Michael Newton Interview – Past Life Regression

Michael Newton discusses his work on past life regression, hypnotherapy and the afterlife. Interview from 2006 and recorded at his home in California. Michael created TNI – The Newton Institute: https://www.newtoninstitute.org/

(At 1 hr. 34 min., Newton speaks of the possibility of Atlantis and other physical worlds.)


A Channeled Reading About ‘What Jesus Will Be Doing On Christmas Day!’

Al Miner had a chance hypnosis session in 1973 twenty-nine years following a near-death experience (NDE) he had in 1944 as a young boy. The hypnosis session triggered his reconnection to the other side. And so began his tenure as the trance channel for the Lama Sing readings. The Lama Sing name represents a group from the infinite side and is the name of the channel or spokesperson for this group.

Al’s channelings were fostered by some in Edgar Cayce’s Association For Research And Enlightenment in the early days. There, in Virginia Beach, Al deepened his understanding of the channeling phenomenon and decided to continue his work.

For forty-five years Al dedicated his life to this work, focusing nearly entirely on the topic of Consciousness from 2005 on.  His wife, Susan Miner, led these sessions and created the Lama Sing Library of Consciousness.  Al completed his work and life in this incarnation at his death on July 27, 2018.

Click Below to hear Al Miner explain Lama Sing’s Christmas Message!

Christmas 2023 – What Will He Be Doing

Beautiful Documentary Video On Frequency Healing

Alternative, preventative methods are shown using naturopathic therapies that raise our frequency.  One new healing chamber uses sound and light healing frequencies called, ‘The Harmonic Egg.’  Another new therapy heals with the kinetic energy of a ‘Bee Hut.’ Heart tissue can be regenerated by using specific acoustics.

Our frequency determines our health.  Consider that the structure of water is affected by our intention and our bodies are 60% water. Our body is affected by our emotions, words, and thoughts that carry energy vibrations.




The Golden Key – 8 Min. Video

“The Golden Key by Emmet Fox Prayer will enable you, sooner or later, to get yourself, or anyone else, out of any difficulty on the face of the earth. It is the Golden Key to harmony and happiness. To those who have no acquaintance with the mightiest power in existence, this may appear to be a rash claim, but it needs only a fair trial to prove that, without a shadow of doubt, it is a just one.” www.reddit.com