The 14 Universal Laws That Govern Life On Earth! – Video

This video can change your entire life, if you learn the 14 Universal Laws that govern our Universe:  The Law of Divine Oneness, The Law of Vibration, The Law of Action, The Law of Correspondence, The Law of Cause and Effect, The Law of Compensation, The Law of Attraction, The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy, The Law of Gestation or Divine Timing, The Law of Relativity, The Law of Polarity, The Law of Rhythm, The Law of Belief, and The Law of Gender.  (In June 2024, we left out The Law Of Belief and The Law of Gestation or Divine Timing which we will cover now in September 2024 to make the full 14 Universal Laws.)

Werner Erhard & Associates, EST – A Brief Look, 1982

” ‘A shared experience resulted in a new experience in relating to other people.’ The Group Therapy EST Training was offered from 1971- 1984. Hear from Leadership and Organization guru Warren Bennis, Dr. Fernando Flores, filmmaker Dan Alpert, est Trainers Roger Dillan, Stewart Esposito, and Vic Gioscia. This film is about the EST training with Werner Erhard.”

“How To Raise Your Frequency And Increase Your Vibration” – Teal Swan Video

In this episode, Teal explains that raising your frequency means moving to a better feeling, more positive emotion. She also explains that the trump card of all things that raise frequency is focus… nothing is more important than the thoughts you are thinking and whatever you’re paying attention to/focusing on. You can not focus on things that cause you to feel bad, and hold a high vibration. Teal then goes on to describe eleven steps that you can take to increase your frequency.