Think… “It’s on its way!”
Think… “It’s on its way!”
Channeler, Paul Selig, in the early ’90s “accidentally” got information from his inner guides. Raised as an atheist, he discovered the spirit world and experienced extraordinary changes in his perceptions. Selig says, “We have choices about the ‘station’ that we are broadcasting.” His unique way of channeling is to repeat what he hears his spirit guides saying. At about 48 min, he says that “You stand at a time of crucial change. Everything not aligned in truth will be changed.” At 51 & 56:40 min, he gives us Freedom Affirmations to repeat.
It is important to reclaim and heal the emotional wounds from childhood.
Use this self-protection meditation daily to keep safe from negative energies.
What type of Lightworker are you? #1, #2, #3, #4, or #5?
Sorry, this video is not authorized for posting on a Website. However, it was great! Below, I summed up what Kryon was explaining in the video.
Some of the types outlined were the active persons who help others through their service work, those who meditate daily, healers, persons who speak and write about higher values, and more passive but supportive participants in Lightworker activities. Kryon says that all types of Lightworkers have important roles in raising the awareness of God’s purposes on Earth.