Category: Heart Opening Videos
Shannon Alder – Heart Opening Quotes Video
The Truth About Boundaries – Matt Kahn
“Have integrity with your energy. Boundaries mean that I agree to spend time with people for as long as I can maintain the highest moral and ethical values during my time with you. If there is not enough energy in my energetic or emotional bank accounts, then I will not extend myself. Tune into yourself first to see if you have the energy to handle the interaction.”
Ascending Planet – Healing Meditation Music – DNA Activation
Silence Can Change Everything – Sadhguru
Your Intentions And Beliefs Create Beyond The Five Senses
“Energy attracts like energy. It is the Universal Law of Attraction. For example, when you are angry you attract angry people and you live in an angry world. When you are greedy, you attract greedy people and you live in a greedy world. When you are loving, you attract loving people and you live in a loving world.
It is that simple. Five-sensory (sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste) humans believe that their world determines their beliefs. Multisensory individuals know that it validates their beliefs.
If you believe that the world is dog-eat-dog, you become one of the dogs and you live in a world of dogfights. If you believe that the world is miraculous, you become a miracle and you live in a world of miraculous people. Five-sensory individuals think, ‘I will believe it when I see it.’ Multisensory individuals know, ‘I will see it when I believe it.’
Some individuals have multisensory perception now, others are acquiring it, and all humans will be multisensory within a few generations. As we become multisensory our experiences become richer, more meaningful, and more informative. Internal processes become more significant than external circumstances. Multisensory perception redirects our attention one hundred and eighty degrees from the focus of five-sensory perception — from outside of ourselves to inside of ourselves. What is behind our eyes becomes more important to us than what is in front of them.
From the five-sensory perspective, we are bodies and minds in time and space our actions create consequences, and our influence propagates through physical causes and physical effects. From the multisensory perspective, we are immortal souls as well as personalities, the larger part of us exists in nonphysical reality, our intentions create our experiences, and our influence extends far beyond what we can see, hear, taste, touch, and smell.
From the perspective of the five senses, ‘bad things happen to good people’ and ‘good things happen to bad people.’ From the multisensory perspective, appropriate things happen to all people, everywhere, all the time. Multisensory perception makes the concepts of ‘chance,’ ‘random,’ ‘accidental,’ and ‘fate’ meaningless.
Choices made in anger create painful consequences; choices made in love create loving consequences. If you plant corn, corn grows. If you plant tomatoes, you harvest tomatoes. An individual who does not understand why his life is painful instead of joyful is like a farmer who does not understand why barley is growing in his field instead of lettuce. He is not aware of the seeds that he has planted, or when, or how.
Multisensory perception allows you to become aware of the seeds you are planting (your intentions) so that you can know in advance what crop you will harvest (the consequences of your intentions).”
Spiritual Partnership – The Journey To Authentic Power, Gary Zukav, p. 24 – 27.
Dr. Joe Dispenza’s Powerful Meditation
Here is help with re-training your thoughts into the present moment!
Delores Cannon – Life After Death
Famous Hypnotist, Dolores Cannon, revealed her discoveries about life after death and the astral plane as detailed in her book ‘Between Death and Life’ at the 2008 Ozark Mountain Transformation Conference. To learn more about Dolores Cannon, her 19 metaphysical books and unique Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) visit:”
Greg Braden – How To Correctly Pray
Gregg Braden learns firsthand what a “Feeling Prayer” is all about when a Native American prays “the feeling of rain coming into his world.” To pray “for rain” would have suggested “a lack” event or a negative effect coming. Instead, feel the feelings of what you want to happen!
The 6 Powerful Spiritual Awakening Stages – Christina Lopes Video
The accelerated energies of 2022 are causing us to evolve quickly in spiritual awakening! The ego cracks open and you begin to see the World in a different way!