Love Everything He Created

“Love everything He created, of which you are a part, or you cannot learn of His peace and accept His gift for yourself and as yourself. You cannot know your own perfection until you have honored all those who were created like you.

Teach no one that he is what you would not want to be. Your brother is the mirror in which you see the image of yourself as long as perception lasts.

See the Love of God in you, and you will see it everywhere because it is everywhere. See His abundance in everyone, and you will know that you are in Him with them. They are part of you, as you are part of God.

Give only honor to the Sons of the living God, and count yourself among them gladly.”

A Course In Miracles, Helen Schucman, ACIM, T-7, VII.


What Is The Greatest Gift?

What is the greatest gift of all?

This may be answered in different ways depending upon who you ask and where they are in the journey of their human lives.

For some it may be a material thing, to others, a feeling or sense of satisfaction. Do you know that all of it is love? Not the emotional kind that comes and goes, but the essence of all that comes and flows.

Love is the connective tissue, that which unites and holds all material things together. Your scientists do not understand gravity, nor will they, until they grasp the Force from which all arises.

The greatest gift of all is coming to know that you cannot be separated from this Force, for it has birthed you, breathes you now, and holds you in the most intimate connection with all of creation.

You are so very loved.

Suzannne Giesemann – newhome

What Is My Life Purpose?

According to the Edgar Cayce philosophy, each person living on the earth is here for a specific soul purpose; a purpose that no one else can fulfill. While for some people, their purpose might be directly related to a profession or vocation, for others it could simply be a particular way of living day by day.

Finding and then understanding and living your soul’s purpose is actually a life-long process. As your knowledge grows and deepens, you will find greater and greater opportunities for fulfilling your life’s mission.

To discover clues to your own life’s purpose, ask yourself these questions: What makes my heart sing? When in my life do I feel a sense of wonder? In what ways do I feel called to be of service to others? When do I feel closest to God? The Cayce readings suggest that we are closest to living our soul’s purpose when we feel joyful, when we are in awe of the wonder of life around us, when we are being of service to others, and when we are deeply aware of our connection to God.

In your contemplative or meditation time, ask your higher self, ‘What is my soul’s purpose? Why am I here in the earth at this time?’ Then become aware of the answers that will come to you through that still, small voice from within, or through synchronous events, or even through your dreams. Your soul is communicating with you all the time, and its greatest desire is for you to fulfill your purpose for this life experience.

Gaia’s Message

“I am Gaia, the soul of the planet you call Earth.  Just as you, I can feel heavyhearted or lighthearted.  For long ages, I wept when my spirit was broken.  My people were hateful to each other and my body was soaked with their blood.  I weep no longer because there is so much to feel joyful about, so much to feel thankful for.

My light is not yet in full force, my body is not yet balanced.  that is because some of my children still are being hateful to one another.  Some of them are without love, without compassion, without the understanding that differences can be absolutely spendid when harmony and respect flow along the heart lines.

I am joyful because I am on a journey like no other soul in this universe ever has traveled.  I am going home, and you who are holding the light that is helping me move steadily and quickly forward are coming with me.

I was asked to speak this day to tell you of my gratitude for all of you.  You were chosen from a great number of souls, triple the number that could incarnate and participate.  This level of light service never before has been undertaken.  We are playing a part in the grandest show ever performed in this universe.  I feel the humility that mingles with sublime satisfaction for a job well done — in the continuum, our job is completed.

As our travels continue, many wonders are in store for you and this world of ours.  You have been told of many, so you can think of them and look forward to them, but actually living in the glorious times soon coming is beyond your imagining.

All beings in this universe are watching this unfold, did you know?  I cannot imagine such a vast audience!  All the souls of light are cheering for us, so we shall continue giving them a good show, an experience worthy of even God’s applause.  I share my heart with you and my love for you is overflowing.”

Earth’s Golden Age – A Matthew Book, Suzanne Ward, p.27 – 28.



Do What You Are Guided to Do

“Do what you are guided to do when situations large or small arise while always recognizing the Divinity of everyone involved.  A smile, a kind word, needed support, a listening ear, petting a lonely dog, and always acknowledging the Divine Light shining from every person’s eyes regardless of their state of consciousness.  This is Light work and is what you came to do.  Even the simplest of activities done with spiritual awareness add Light energy to Earth’s collective and can actually lift or heal another if they are receptive.                 

Whatever you give energy to feeds or continues it.  Every war on drugs, cancer or disease, war on this or that simply draws attention to and adds energy to the issue allowing it to stay alive and well in the collective.

Your work as a spiritually awakened person is to live from your highest level of truth and as you do this, more will be given.  This does not mean burying your head while shouting ‘God is all’ but rather means re-interpreting appearances — being in the world, but not of it.

Not everyone is spiritually ready to understand what is happening to them and the world.  Offer honest practical guidance when asked but do not attempt to inform, change, or force your knowledge on another in the belief that you are ‘saving’ them.

Every person has Guides and a Higher Self and in some form or another is on their evolutionary path.  Secretly and silently acknowledge the Divine nature of every person and then go about your business.

Those ready for truth will be drawn to you at the right time and it is usually someone you least expect to be interested in truth.

Rest in reality.  Be rather than do, and trust that all is proceeding according to plan.

We are the Arcturian Group.”

It Is God’s Gift To Us

“It is God’s gift to us that we should be capable of a consciousness of our own spiritual nature and our purpose to manifest the love of God. Only we humans, among creation in the Earth, have been granted this gift of consciousness.  We can all be conscious, confident, and secure in the knowledge that we are of the One Force-one with it, while at the same time being an individuated part of it.

We are endowed with the God-like qualities of love, will, and mind. The spirit of God and of us all is one and the same. 

As a spiritual entity, one with God, we are destined to grow and develop and ultimately to return to a full communion with God.

All good, all hope, all mercy, all purpose of divine flows from Love itself; that God would have us in our former estate,

knowing ourself to be one with God yet individual, capable of making those influences that make known the joy of love that law is love, love is law to all.”  (ECRI 1157-1)

The purpose of the heart is to know yourself to be yourself and one with God. (281-37)”

John 14:10 – Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work.,  Venture Inward,   “Our Purpose In The Earth,” Robert Jeffries, Nov./Dec. 1985.




Seek Out The New And Interesting Experiences

“You are meant to live your lives there on Earth, and the more you seek out the new and interesting experiences that are available to you, the more fun you will have, the more people you will encounter, and the more you can set your beliefs aside for a moment and just be with something or someone.

As soon as you start to define something, you start to limit what it is and what it can be to you. And the same is true of your fellow humans and groups of your fellow humans, that it is so much easier to just put in a nice neat little box. Don’t do that to yourselves or to any other, and you will find that this universe can surprise you and it can give you anything you want, including any experience.

Don’t even get attached to your own perspectives, but rather, be open to feeling into what is next for you, what could change in a heartbeat, and what could take you further down your path of expansion and spiritual evolution. There is so much more for all of you to experience, which is why you get so excited and interested in shifting to a new dimension, but also remember that the dimension you are in right now has much more dimensionality to it than just one, static, limited perspective on reality.

Open yourselves up and let go, and see where the current flow of energies takes you, because we guarantee that they will take you to a better feeling place than you’ve been before.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Balancing Act

Focus on the positives. What are you grateful for? Be grateful for your body and this human experience but do understand that it is not the fullness of who you are.

The body is, in fact, programmed to make you notice the negative. This is a survival mechanism from days of old.

Before you grow old, may you recognize this, and honor it for keeping you safe, but do not allow it to keep you from also seeing the immense beauty and goodness all around you.

Balance, dear one, and thrive.

You are so very loved.

Suzannne Giesemann – newhome

Meet Them With Less Resistance

Next time somebody says to you, “I’m right, and you’re wrong,” say, “Pfftt, you’re right. You are right. You’re right.” And mean it.

In other words, don’t mock them. Don’t be sarcastic. “You’re right.”

And then watch how, all of a sudden, their legs almost go right out from under them. They don’t have the energy to blast you, because you just took the fuel away from the fire.

Abraham Hicks, Excerpted from Boston, MA on 5/17/03

That Ever-Improving Story

“Each and every component that makes up your life experience is drawn to you by the powerful Law of Attraction’s response to the thoughts you think and the story you tell about your life.

Your money and financial assets; your body’s state of wellness, clarity, flexibility, size, and shape; your work environment, how you are treated, work satisfaction, and rewards—indeed, the very happiness of your life experience in general—is all happening because of the story that you tell.

If you will let your dominant intention be to revise and improve the content of the story you tell every day of your life, it is our absolute promise to you that your life will become that ever-improving story.

For by the powerful Law of Attraction—the essence of that which is like unto itself is drawn—it must be!”

Abraham Hicks, Excerpted from Money and the Law of Attraction