Positive Thinking ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have the tendency to see the bright side of a situation, because we are in a frequency range where the thoughts that can come to us also must be of that same high frequency. Therefore, we are not choosing to see the bright side. The bright side is just a match to our overall vibration.

If you want to change your experience of something, you can change your thoughts about it. But to us, that is going about the situation backwards, and it is often the hard way to go about it. You will often find yourselves lying to yourselves to try to get you to see the situation differently.

Now, of course, there is a benefit to looking for the positives in a situation. But first, you often have to go through the negatives to get there. You have to be honest with yourselves. You have to be genuine and authentic if you are ever going to get to the truth of who you are. The truth of who you are would never lie to itself. Therefore, we recommend that you let yourselves think the thoughts and feel the feelings that come up when you have a messy or unwanted situation in your lives.

Do so, because they are the path to releasing what you need to release. They are the path to the calm center that you are looking for within yourself. And when you find your calm center, you are essentially finding us, and others like us.

You are finding the high frequency part of yourselves that never waivers, and when you find that truth, that unconditional love, that Source Energy within you, that’s when you will only have access to the bright side. That’s when the thoughts that occur to you will be the highest vibrational thoughts, and they will come not because you forced them into place with the ‘power of positive thinking.’ They will come because they are a vibrational match to the real power that exists within you – the power of Source.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” danielscranton.com

Being In Love

“Being in love is so good for you. Often when people are newly in love, things that have been bothering them for a long time get better. Something wonderful is calling the majority of their attention, so they’re holding themselves in a better vibrational place, so the stuff they’ve been wanting all along can now zoom in.”

Abraham Hicks, 7/11/99



Get Into A Relationship For The Right Reasons

“First, make sure you get into a relationship for the right reasons. (I’m using the word ‘right’ here as a relative term.  I mean ‘right’ relative to the larger purpose you hold in your life.)

As I have indicated before, most people still enter relationships for the ‘wrong’ reasons– to end loneliness, fill a gap, bring themselves love, or someone to love — and those are some of the better reasons.  Others do so to salve their ego, end their depressions, improve their sex life, recover from a previous relationship, or, believe it or not, to relieve boredom.

None of these reasons will work, and unless something dramatic changes along the way, neither will the relationship. 

If you both agree at a conscious level that the purpose of your relationship is to create an opportunity, not an obligation– an opportunity for growth, for full Self expression, for lifting your lives to their highest potential for healing every false thought or small idea you ever had about you, and for ultimate reunion with God through the communion of your two souls — if you take that vow instead of the vows you’ve been taking — the relationship has begun on a very good beginning.”

Neale Donald Walsch, “Conversations With God,” p. 141.

The Law of Attraction Assembles Happy Relationships…

“Asking your relationship with any other to be the basis of buoying you up is never a good idea, because the Law of Attraction cannot bring to you something different from the way you feel. The Law of Attraction cannot bring you a well-balanced, happy person if you are not yourself already that. The Law of Attraction, no matter what you do or say, will bring to you those who predominantly match the person who you predominantly are.

Everything that everyone desires is for one reason only: they believe they will feel better in the having of it. We just want you to understand that you must feel better before it can come to you.

In simple terms, if you are not happy with yourself, or with your life, the attraction of a partner will only exaggerate the discord, because any action taken from a place of lack is always counterproductive.”

Abraham-Hicks, Excerpted from The Vortex on 8/31/09

Divine Providence

“You cannot always explain why things unfold as they do.  ‘But I was ready to serve!’ You say, ‘ready to do something good.’  Yes, and then your plans went awry.

And that is what we wish you to notice.  Your plans come from your perspective.

You are looking at life from one level, whilst those in spirit who are helping you are looking as if from a balcony. 

There is, indeed, a higher perspective.  From the street level, so to speak, you cannot see two cars coming at each other.  Bushes and trees may be in the way.  From the balcony perspective, the bird’s eye view, all is clear.

Have faith when things do not go as you planned that there is a reason.  Even if that reason never comes to light, trust that the Light flows through all of you and has the best interests of the whole in mind.  Order out of chaos … yes, indeed.  Divine Providence is at work.”

The post Divine Providence appeared first on Suzanne Giesemann.

Appreciation Vs. Gratitude

“Appreciation is a higher vibration than gratitude because in appreciation there is no awareness of what you’ve overcome. In gratitude, it’s like I’m grateful that I no longer cannot pay my bills, and it doesn’t have to be that way. Often when you’re grateful, you’re grateful that this is no longer in your life, where appreciation is a higher vibration because it contains less resistance.

Meditation is resistance-free also, and what we’ve said is we would rather see you in appreciation than meditation because in appreciation you are alert and in the active mode of being able to receive an impulse or an idea, where in meditation you’ve quieted your mind enough that even though an idea comes, it comes with less momentum.

Let’s clarify that (this is really good) – let’s say that you’ve been focused upon something and it’s something that doesn’t feel good, and you have a lot of momentum going; you’ve been talking to people about it and there’s quite a bit of momentum going about it. And you’d like to have different thoughts about it, you’d like to feel differently about it, but it’s difficult for you to do that because you’ve activated so much about what you don’t want that there’s a lot of momentum about what you don’t want. And when you think about this subject, you get what you’ve been thinking about, and so the momentum just gets more and more and more.

So then let’s say that you decide that you will meditate, and so the next morning when you awaken before all this momentum has really gotten strong, you sit and you manage to quiet your mind; you focus upon a sound in the room – maybe the air conditioner, it doesn’t matter what it is – you focus upon something that isn’t very interesting but that does hold your attention, and you manage to quiet your mind so that you feel that detachment that our friend was talking about earlier. And in the process of that, since there is no thought active, then there is no resistant thought active and your vibration rises.

Well, as your vibration rises, now you have access to pure, positive thoughts, but there’s not much momentum about these positive thoughts because you have quieted your mind – you’ve slowed your mind so that you’re not in vibrational sync with what you don’t want, but you’re not in a place where you could really receive something like we’re delivering to Esther right now – you’re not up to speed with it. There’s no resistance in your vibration, but you’re not up to speed with what your Inner Being would want to give you about all of that. You’re not up to speed with all of it.

So then you move into your day – you’ve become more active with your mind, you begin thinking about things that you appreciate, you begin getting up to speed. And now later in the day when you’re momentum is faster, now the benefit of that meditation then kicks in where you receive an idea, and because you’re up to speed, you receive the idea.

So we’re talking about two things: We’re talking about the tuning, which is resistance or not resistance, and then we’re talking about staying there long enough that there is momentum. Momentum and Law of Attraction are the same word, really, because what you focus upon is going to garner more and more and more momentum.

~Abraham speaking in Atlanta, GA on October 28, 2017

Facts vs. Feelings ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been examining the different ways that you all communicate with each other, and we see that there are some definite areas where you could improve the effectiveness of your communication. First of all, we suggest that when you are talking with someone, you really listen to what the other person is saying. Now, you may be eager to express your point of view, but it is also important to give the other person the chance to speak and be heard.

Now if you are in the midst of a conversation where you are in disagreement with the other person, many of you attempt to prove that your way of thinking, or looking at a situation, is the right one. And that assumes that there is only one right way to see something. If you feel strongly about something, then rather than trying to prove that your point of view is the right one, talk about how you feel. Talking about your emotions is something that brings you closer to another person.

Talking about facts never will bring you closer to another person, but talking about your feelings has the potential to elicit compassion and it opens the other person up to share what he or she is feeling. And then you have real intimacy. There is a lot of polarity on your world today, and much of it is fueled by politics. When you see that everyone’s perspective is coming from their experiences and their feelings, there’s a better chance of bringing sides together.

And that’s what you are here to do at this time. You are here to depolarize your society, and you’re not going to get there by arguing and trying to prove that your perspective is the right one. You also need to allow other people to have their perspective if you want to be more like Source Energy.

Source Energy allows everything to be as it is, and beings who are ascending to the fifth dimension, it is much better for you to look to the Source Energy perspective and hold that as best you can. And the best place to start is with each other.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”  danielscranton.com

The Highest Choice

“For centuries you have been taught that love-sponsored action arises out of the choice to be, do and have whatever produces the highest good for another.

Yet I tell you this: the highest choice is that which produces the highest good for you.

As with all profound spiritual truth, this statement opens itself to immediate misinterpretation.  The mystery clears a bit the moment one decides what is the highest ‘good’ one could do for oneself.  And when the absolute highest choice is made, the mystery dissolves, the circle completes itself, and the highest good for you becomes the highest good for another.

It may take lifetimes to understand this — and even more lifetimes to implement– for this truth revolves around an even greater one: What you do for your Self, you do for another.  What you do for another, you do for Self.

This is because you and the other are one.   And this is because … There is naught but You.

All the Masters who have walked your planet have taught this. (‘Verily, verily, I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto Me.’)  Yet this has remained for most people merely a grand esoteric truth, with little practical application.  In fact, it is the most practically applicable ‘esoteric’ truth of all time.

It is important in relationships to remember this truth, for without it relationships will be very difficult.”

Neale Donald Walsch, “Conversations With God, Book 1,” p.130-131.


The Star Children ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are happy to give you the following progress report. The new generation of humans that has been born in the last decade is staying right on course with the agenda that they had for choosing to incarnate at this time. We are noticing that they are able to handle the higher frequency energies, and that they are also able to maintain their level of sensitivity without getting overwhelmed by what the rest of humanity is processing.

Many of these children are coming in without having had many lifetimes on planet Earth, so that they would have less processing to do themselves. They are bringing in more of an awareness of their galactic origins. They are brining in less fear of extra-terrestrials, and yet they are also quite aware of the need to claim planet Earth as their home.

Their sense of balancing the energies is second to no other generation. They have had lifetimes previously on planet Earth where they recognized their Divinity and awakened their consciousness. The awakening process is easier for them. The light that they are able to hold in their physical bodies is higher, and you would all do very well to follow their lead, to listen to them, and to give them as much freedom as you possibly can.

They are not only the leaders of tomorrow; they are the ones who are bringing about the new age. They are leading the way in the shift in consciousness, and it does not matter what star system they align with in any moment. They will always be the children who united the galaxy. They will always be the ones who will be remembered as ‘the star children.’

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”