Blessing – From Sanaya

“When you bless others, you are blessing yourself.  Do you not yet realize this?  When you disparage others, of course you are doing the same to yourself.  What you send out does indeed come back to you.  Be aware of this.

Try an experiment.  Send angry thoughts to someone, please only as an experiment.  Create a fictitious person to project anger towards, and feel how you feel inside, physically and emotionally.  Do you like this feeling?  Some do.  Know that it is damaging to the body.  The human is good at damaging the body though one’s actions.

Now send love to this fictitious person and tune in again to how you feel.  Need we say more?  If you enjoy sending anger, please ask yourself why.  It is a habit.

The body ‘chraves’ the chemicals.   (A deliberate misspelling to ‘catch you up’ so to speak.)  Now catch yourself when you spew thoughts and words that do nothing to further your soul’s growth.  Why are you here?  To grow.  To love.  To grow in and as love.  Enough said.  You are so very loved.”

The post Blessing appeared first on Suzanne Giesemann.

Bashar – The Seven Neutral Needs

3:56 minutes beginning with this… “Many times what you want might often be the product of what you’ve been taught to believe you need that may not actually be what you really need in life.  This is what you NEED to remember.  It doesn’t matter what happens, it only matters what you DO with what happens.”

Edgar Cayce – How Your Diet Influences Your Digestion

“The current dietary guidelines by the American Heart Association are completely in alignment with the information that came through the sleeping Cayce more than 100 years ago: “Eat natural, unprocessed foods and consume mostly vegetables and fruit.”

So many of us are struggling with health issues because we’ve been misled about where we gain nourishment. The food supply has changed radically over the past several decades, and not for the better. Too many of us have relied on flour-based foods and their ever-more-popular substitutes found in the gluten-free aisle to satisfy cravings or to stretch the amount of food we serve to our families. Most of these “fillers” add volume but little or no nutritive value, and contribute to chronic inflammation and hunger. Simply eliminating these processed, pesticide-laden faux foods can have a major impact on overall health and immunity.

Sluggish digestion is often a result of dietary choices that focus on animal products and processed grains, instead of whole foods that come from healthy soil. Intestinal congestion and stagnation is so common that Americans spend close to one billion dollars on laxatives annually; results are inefficient at best. Lost bowel tone often cannot respond to extra dietary fiber or laxatives because a weak, distended colon needs rehabilitation by cleansing and strengthening first. Chronic waste retention may exist even when a person has five bowel movements a day.

The most effective way to cleanse and to restore colon health is with water, gently infused as a professional colonic, or colon hydrotherapy, yet there is disgust and shame, and much misinformation about this time-honored practice. Many of us are afraid to ask a professional, or to discuss constipation, a leading risk factor for all disease. Digestion should always be pain-free! Your food choices matter. Your body can’t make healthy cells without abundant raw materials from natural foods and loving, high-vibrational thoughts.

Edgar Cayce placed a great deal of emphasis throughout the readings on the importance of a strong, clean colon, and on eating a natural, mostly plant-based diet. Alkaline-forming foods are primarily colorful vegetables and fruits. When we do not eat enough of these foods, our digestive systems become sluggish, and eventually too weak to handle much dietary fiber.

One or more colon hydrotherapy sessions can flush out excess waste and gas, while exercising the muscles that are needed for regular daily bowel eliminations. Over time, colon hydrotherapy and an alkaline-forming diet can restore the lost bowel tone that exists in cases of chronic constipation.

For, every one – every body – should take an internal bath occasionally, as well as an external one. They would all be better off if they would.”

— Edgar Cayce reading 440-2

Judging – Sanaya Channeling

“It is so easy to judge another.  Yes, perhaps they are doing something unethical, dishonest, or perhaps even cruel.  Have you never done the same?  Ever?

Watch out for ego’s ploy.  The ego wishes to deflect all blame from the self, to make you immune.  You are not.  You are human for a while, and you are faced with choices.  All humans make mistakes.  All of you.  You are here to learn from them.  Believe us, trust us:  you reap what you sow.

That other whom you judge?  That other who is perhaps doing something unethical or dishonest or perhaps even cruel?  There will be payback at a soul level at the very least.  The soul knows the lesson.  It is trying very hard to let its human side know that the highest choices result in the highest level of attainment when the human body is shed.  Do not worry about others.  Catch yourself when you judge and realize that judging others is yet another lesson for you, dear one.”

The post Judging appeared first on Suzanne Giesemann.

Advise From Eileen Caddy – Findhorn Foundation

“Seek And Find That Peace Which Deep Within

This is indeed the time of the great awakening of humankind. More and more souls are beginning to stir, are beginning to search and wonder about life and the true meaning of it.
It is this awakening which is causing great unrest and even chaos, for many are not satisfied with what they see and realize they will have to seek deeper, ever deeper, that they need to do a great deal of changing. The things which they have taken for granted all their lives now have to go and be replaced by something new. This interim period of change is extremely uncomfortable and unpleasant for the new and the old are warring against each other. You will see these changes taking place in individuals, in countries and in nations all over the word. The unrest everywhere can be plainly seen and felt; it is like living on the very edge of a volcano, which is ready to erupt any moment.

l tell you to seek and find that peace which deep within so you are not affected by all this outer chaos and confusion and none of you become drawn into it.”

Anne Albers & Messages From The Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

You’ve heard it so many times, “Be as a child to enter the kingdom of heaven.” Children, before they learn otherwise, trust themselves. They speak their mind innocently. They move towards what feels good and move away from what does not. They love to share their gifts with others, and yet they honor themselves. In a natural state of being, you would too.

Many of you, however, have been trained out of your natural state of being. You were taught to be wary of life or to be too trusting, rather than trusting your own feelings and instincts. You were taught to censor what you say and over analyze what you think. You learned to interpret people’s words rather than intuitively feel their truth or falsehood. Many of you have been talked out of pursuing your passions and talked into being “responsible,” instead of responding to self.

Delightfully, many of you are striving to return to your natural state of being! You are striving to live, speak, and act more authentically. You are reconnecting with your passions and preferences, worrying less about reacting to the world and more about responding to the subtle urgings of your own hearts. We are excited for you. You are freeing yourself from the world’s conditioning and enjoying the joy that comes from listening to your own spirit.

Each one of you has an internal guidance system, that if allowed to function naturally, will guide you into a joyful, abundant, and loving existence. You need only to do what comes naturally.

At first, you may not even know what feels natural because you have been rewarded for doing what others want and ‘punished’ when you don’t. It may take time to reconnect with your own heart. 

Take a moment now. Put your hand on your heart. Breathe deeply. Ask yourself, “Heart what do you want in this moment?” Trust the first thought, feeling, impression, or words that you get. Listen to that. It is the still small, voice of God rising up from within you!

In time, you will learn to “be as little children,” doing what feels natural at any given moment, speaking without censorship and with kind innocence, and trusting life’s journey. In time you will learn to listen to the Divine as it arises within you, to move with the movements of your hearts, and to place more value on your joy now, rather than sacrificing it for perceived joy later.

You are all innocent dear ones. The urgings in your heart, be they for a new career or a cup of coffee at this moment are there for a reason. The desire to talk to a stranger is there for a reason. Your longings and your upsets are there for a reason. Pay attention to them. What feels joyful now is joyful now. What does not feel good now, is not good now.

As you learn to pay attention to and trust your instincts you will learn that the Divine has been whispering within you all along, “I love you. I am here for you. I am you.”

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

©Ann Albers,

Good Relationships

“Why Do I Want the Relationship I Want…?

Think about what you want in a relationship and why you want it. Look for those around you who are experiencing good relationships, and feel appreciation for them. Make lists of the positive aspects of those you have spent time with. . . . In fact, one of the fastest ways to make your way to a wonderful relationship is to find any subject that consistently feels good, and focus on that even if it has nothing to do with relationships.”

Abraham-Hicks, 8/31/09

Great Interview With Darryl Anka Who Channels Bashar

Your Higher Mind communicates with you, telling you your best direction to go! Learning to trust what you prefer!  What you put out is what you get back, negative or positive. In life,  we are learning to transform reality.  We are powerful creators!

Next, he explains this age we are in where multi-dimensional, parallel versions of Earth are splitting farther and farther apart in these times.