Achieving A High Vibration

You cannot be less than you are now. You cannot achieve a vibration that is less than the vibration that you have achieved.


That’s why when someone achieves an empire and then something happens where it is lost or destroyed, they still have the vibration that they’ve achieved, and the empire will come back again

-you see it all the time-

because it is the vibrational status that the Universe is responding to, not the financial status.”

Abraham Hicks, 5/7/03

You Create With Energy

“As your Higher Self, you create with energy before you take physical action.  You know you can create whatever you want by working with the higher forces and directing your thoughts, emotions, and intent toward your goals.  You create change by working at the highest spiritual level rather than working at the personality level.

You stop before you take action, go within, and receive guidance from your Higher Self about what action to take.

As you grow, you know that anything is possible.  You know that through your understanding of how energy works, you can consciously create what seemed like miracles when you had less understanding of the way energy works.

Relax for a moment and take a deep breath.  Call light to yourself and surround yourself with light. 

Put your hand over your heart and tell yourself you love and accept yourself just as you are.  Spend a moment acknowledging how far you have already come. 

Affirm your commitment to your higher purpose and world service.  Feel the higher community of beings you are a part of sending you love and support. 

Merge completely with your Higher Self; you and your Higher Self are now one.  Allow the love of your Higher Self to penetrate every cell in your body and show you your divinity.

Ask yourself what one step you could take right now that would contribute the most to your spiritual growth.  Then take it!

Spiritual Growth – Being Your Higher Self, Sanaya Roman, p. 225.

You Choose, Decide, And Receive

” ‘I am responsible for what I see. I choose the feelings I experience. I decide upon the goals I would achieve AND everything that seems to happen to me I ask for and I receive as I have asked.’ T-21.I.2:1-3 (A Course In Miracles)

The above quote from the Course is one of the most often referenced passages in the Course; and the last line, in particular, is one of the most difficult to accept when it comes to applying the principles of the Course.

But let’s take one step at a time. I am responsible for what I see. Step into a room full of people. Look around, and you will make a number of evaluations about what you see. All living creatures inevitably check out their environment. Curiosity is natural to consciousness. We are inquisitive; and we are all appraisers, assessing, and inspecting the world.

To say I am responsible for what I see does not mean I am somehow constructing the events in front of me. You are not creating the person that you are talking to. You are not a magician.

As my friend and physicist, Dr. Mark Greenfield, says, ‘It is not the what of what we see, but the way in which it is seen, and the how as in how we might take it.’

We know what we like and what we don’t like. Things are pretty or ugly, pleasant or unpleasant, and attractive or unattractive. Such evaluations are inevitable and automatic, and we all do it. Simple discernment is necessary. When it comes to dealing with other people in our world, both those in our immediate environment and the newsmakers, two passages from the Course are important.

‘Let him be what he is and seek not to make of love an enemy.’ T-19.IV.D.12:8

And Lesson 268: ‘Let all things be exactly as they are.’

When asked if I can share one simple principle of the Course, perhaps at the end of a talk, I will often simply say,

‘Just remember, Do not attack. It is always, always the wrong decision.

Anger is never justified. Attack has no foundation.’ T-30.V.1:1-2 ”, The Responsible Responses by Jon Mundy, Ph.D.

How We Create Our Reality

“Each thought or emotion, therefore, exists as an electromagnetic energy unit or as a combination of these under certain conditions, and often with the help of coordinate points, they emerge into the building blocks of physical matter.

Mental images, accompanied by strong emotion, are blueprints therefore upon which a corresponding physical object, or condition or event, will in your terms appear.

The intensity of a feeling or thought or mental image, therefore, is the important element in determining its subsequent physical materialization.

The intensity is the core about which the electromagnetic energy units form.  In your terms, the more intense the core, the sooner the physical materialization. This would apply whether the mental image was a fearful one or a joyful one.

Now there is a very important problem here: if your turn of mind is highly intense and you think in vivid mental emotional images, these will be swiftly formed into physical events.  If you are also of a highly pessimistic nature, given to thoughts and feelings of potential disaster, then these thoughts will be faithfully reproduced in experience.

If on the other hand, your feelings and subjective experience are fairly well balanced, fairly optimistic, and creative in a constructive manner, then it will seem to you that you have been blessed with unusual luck, for your pleasant suppositions will come to pass so quickly.”

Seth Speaks, Jane Roberts, p. 75-76.

A Wise Will

“As you grow spiritually, you will learn to use your magnetic and wise will rather than your forceful will.

A wise will is one that does things with thought, planning, and intention.  It thinks of better ways than force to do things.

For instance, one mother tried using force to get her children to go to bed on time and stay put.  She would yell, plead, and threaten.  Using her wise will, she devised a technique that worked and didn’t involve force.

She gave her children a choice of going to bed early and having her read them a story or staying up half an hour later and not having a story.  Having a choice, they usually chose the story and fell asleep peacefully afterward. There was no longer a battle of wills.  She solved the problem by being wise and loving rather than forceful.

Your wise will is confident, tries out new solutions, and takes the initiative.  It looks for new, better ways to do things.  It makes decisions not solely on impulsive feelings but by blending them with logic and common sense.”

Spiritual Growth – Being Your Higher Self, Sanaya Roman, p. 193.

Let Love In

“My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Love flows to you in a never-ending and constant stream from the Source of all life. You call it to you with your every desire and your every complaint. You call it to you with your every wish for yourself or another. You summon this love in every breath! Love is beneath your every human thought and feeling, no matter how much you allow it to flow freely or how much you resist.

Even in your negative emotions, love is attempting to flow. Beneath your anger is a desire for love and a kinder experience of life. Hidden in your sadness is a love for what you feel you have lost. In your jealousy, there is love for something you don’t feel you can have. In your frustration, there is love for what you wish to experience and at the moment, are not.

This may sound radical, but we would like for you to treasure all your feelings. They are part of what makes you human. While we would never wish for any of you to stay stuck in fear, anger, frustration, sadness, or any painful emotion, we do want to help you see the value in all feelings, so you can use them as information to help you move into a kinder and more loving experience of life.

Simply put, your feelings are indicators of whether or not you are aligned with, or resisting love. Beneath every human emotion, love is present and attempting to flow. When you feel good, you can rest assured that you are allowing this love to flow into your life. When you feel bad, your negative feelings are information, telling you that you are resisting this love.

Pay attention to your feelings. They tell you about you. They tell you about the degree to which you are resisting or allowing love. You need not resolve everything with everyone. You need only to resolve your relationship with love’s flow. Listen to your feelings. They help you find your way –  one feeling at a time – back to allowing the steady stream of love you have called for to flow into every area of your life.

Let love In… Your feelings are your indicator.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels”


Your Subtle Energy Centers

Subtle Energy flows continuously through your bodies.  Yes, plural, for you have layers of bodies.  Each of these is united by certain large nodes you know as chakras.

Aim to become sensitive enough to the body’s sensations that you can feel constriction in specific areas.  Once aware of this tightness, come to know what situations and emotions these areas relate to and you will gain a greater understanding of how external factors affect your energetic body. 

This is your barometer.  The weather inside is always changing with areas of high and low pressure.  When it drops quite low, there may be a storm coming.  Pay attention to the indicators, for you can clear the constriction through intention before you become unbalanced.

You are so very loved.

Ask Your Brain

“Your brain is designed to be receptive to your desires if you give it a clear direction. Ask, ‘Dear brain, what would it feel like to have what I want?’

‘What would it feel like to be with the love of my life?’ ‘What would it feel like to have work that I love that pays very well and makes me excited to awaken each day?’ ‘What would it feel like to have my loved ones feel better?’

Don’t try to imagine the feelings. Ask. Wait for your brain, the most incredible tuner in the universe, to find that frequency you requested. Wait for the feeling.

Then, dear ones, bask in the feeling. Attune it as often as you can, knowing that the more you tune into love in whatever form you wish to receive it, the more you will hear our guidance, and the sooner you will reach the destinations you desire.

The creator moves the stars in perfect orbit, orchestrates entire ecosystems, inspires your body’s cells to maintain balance, and will –  if you become receptive to your desires – inspire you on a joyful path to their realization.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels”