Since You Have Control

Since you have control over what thoughts you offer, what could be more just than the powerful Law of Attraction responding equally to everyone who offers a vibration?

Once you gain control over the thoughts you think, your sense of injustice will subside and will be replaced with the exuberance for life and the zest to create that you were born with.

Let everything in the Universe be an example to you of the way the Laws of the Universe work.

Abraham Hicks, Excerpted from Money and the Law of Attraction

You Are Creating Your Reality

“If you don’t like a reality that you hear about, don’t then expect that it’s coming towards you and that you must experience it. Instead, use that reality you have been told about to get clearer about what you want to experience, especially if it is the polar opposite of what you have been told is the inevitable future for you and all of humankind.

You know when you are creating something you want by how you feel, and you know when you are creating something you will not enjoy by how you feel, and it really is that simple. If you consider yourself to be a seeker of truth, we would advise you to change that to, ‘One who wants to create a better truth, a better reality for everyone.’

You can and do create those better realities, but you have to believe in them and believe in yourselves in order to eventually experience them.

We are fortunate in that we get to experience what we create immediately, whereas you have to trust. You have to have faith, and you have to surrender and let go in order to let in all of your beautiful creations and more.

And yes, there is always more, because you are not the only one creating. You have many co-creators working with you for the better future for all of humanity that most people seek at this time.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Look For Things That Feel Good Today!

“Sometimes you manufacture scenarios and put them in your own way just to prove a point. It is as if you would rather be right than happy. When you catch yourself doing that stop and say, ‘This unpleasant thought is unnecessary.’

Then choose one that feels better.

Often you begin your day much as you ended the day before. But if we were standing in your physical shoes we would acknowledge the fresh new day!

‘I can push the reset button. I have complete control over my point of attraction today! I will look for things that feel good today!’ ”

Abraham Hicks, 2/22/14, 3/15/14

No Matter What

Perhaps it is time for a reminder. You can choose how you react to situations and events once the initial surprise has passed.

“Isn’t that interesting” is one of the most valuable phrases you can keep in your toolbox of responses. It is far better than, “This is the worst thing that could happen.” It is far more useful than, “I cannot stand this.” It is superior to, “Why did this happen to me?”

Need we go on? “Isn’t that interesting” gives you a moment to see that there are various ways you can see each situation.

In that moment of pause, go higher and see that this too shall pass … that it is an opportunity to grow and to be the presence of love, no matter what.

You are so very loved.

Tell A Different Story

Continuing to tell stories of shortage only continues to contradict your desire for abundance, and you cannot have it both ways: You cannot focus upon unwanted and receive wanted.

You cannot focus upon stories about money that make you feel uncomfortable and allow into your experience what makes you feel comfortable.

A different story will bring different results: My thoughts are the basis for the attraction of all things that I consider to be good, which includes enough money, and health, for my comfort and joy.

You cannot receive vibrationally something that you are not a vibrational match to. And so, bless those who are finding abundance. And in your blessing of them and their abundance, you will become abundant, too. But in your cursing of their abundance, you hold yourself apart from it. It is a law – it is a powerful law.

Abraham Hicks, 6/12/04.  from the book Money and the Law of Attraction

Something You Think You Want

Whenever something that you think you want does not unfold,

it is for one of two reasons:

Either your habit of vibration, your belief, your dominant vibration that you are offering relative to the subject, doesn’t match what you think your desire is,

or, you and your desire are a perfect match, and this thing you think you want just doesn’t match, and so the Universe doesn’t deliver it.


Abraham-Hicks, 11/1/98

Expectation is a focus with a vibration that permits the receiving of what you’re focused upon—and, you expect things, both wanted and unwanted.

Abraham Hicks, 1/8/05

Whatever you are giving your attention to is already vibrating. And when you give your attention to it, if you maintain your focus for as little as 17 seconds, you begin to include its vibration, whatever it is, in your vibration. When you see something you want, and you give it your attention, and you say yes to it, you are including whatever its vibration is in your vibration.

When you see something you do not want, and you shout no at it, you are including whatever its vibration is in your vibration. In this vibrational world, which is everything, you are far more vibrational beings than you are verbal beings.

You are communicating with everyone far more on a vibrational basis, than you are on a verbal basis.

Abraham Hicks, Excerpted from Portland, OR on 7/11/99