“Always feel good no matter what’s going on! Seriousness equals over-thinking. Align with vitality and well-being. This is the appreciation which equals alignment!” Abraham in September ’16
Category: Channeling
Lengthy Seclusion
Conditional Love
We are Spiritual Beings
Abraham offers an interesting statement about Donald Trump and creating!
James Tyberonn’s November 2016 Channeling
Archangel Metatron Channel
November, 2016
The Art of Creative Living – Believe It or NOT !
Greetings Masters! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, with Tyberonn of Crystalline Service and we greet you heartily, individually, in a vector of unconditional love.
It has oft been said that humans learn how to work, but not how to live. And in the New Earth of 2016 and Beyond, it is essential to learn how to live, and live abundantly. Life is not meant to be a mundane existance of mundane labor, in which ‘we work and then we die’. Indeed life is a precious gift, and there is an afforded opportunity , indeed an ‘Art’ to learning to manifest a joyful and abundant life. But learning the balance of artful life, requires effort. For you are here to learn responsible creation … and to create in joy.
Much has been written about the ‘Law of Attraction’. We will address this topic herewith, but our sharing separates the Law of Attraction from the Law of Conscious Creation. Indeed there is a great need to understand the difference. Continue reading James Tyberonn’s November 2016 Channeling