You are always a soul. You are souls here and now wearing this physical costume, and it is that very costume which gets in the way of your awareness of who you are. You are a beautiful light, and it is the fears that dim that light. So with intention and knowing, set in your mind the awareness that the only
thing you need fear is fear itself, and therefore, since it is you creating those fears, you can put them aside.
You put them aside. You state affirmatively, “I am always safe and protected, for I am the Light.” And in saying this, you raise your vibration and ascend to the higher realms in awareness. If you like to visualize a ghost-like figure rising above the body and this works to take you to that expanded state, by all means do so, but you are traveling no farther than you travel in your dreams at night.
You are playing at night. Your soul is creating just as it will do when you get to that state you call “Heaven”–not a place but a state of awareness. It is here now. This is why we say “Heaven is where you are,” but many of you would look about you, would examine your human stories, and would say this is far from Heaven, there is too much suffering going on here, this cannot possibly be heaven. And yet, with the simplest of shifts of awareness, you would feel it as Heaven, for now it is far easier for you to make that shift–in the silence, in the state, a meditative state when you push aside the costume, the fears, and enter into communion with your own higher self.