Let The I AM Become A Reality To Yo

life_is_simple“A simple faith, a simple KNOWING is all that is needed to bring forth My truths and manifest them here in your lives and living. Life is not complicated – it is absolutely straightforward. If you find it is difficult or complicated, it is of your own making. Change your whole outlook, change your thinking and you will see how simple and straightforward life can really be. Lean on Me, identifying yourself completely with Me. Let the I AM become a reality to you, become part of you so there is no separateness and all is One. Absorb all these wondrous truths. Feel them become a living, vibrating force within you and then peacefully and quietly live and move and have your being in these truths until there is nothing else and you KNOW the wonder and glory of our Oneness, until you at last identify yourselves completely with Me and know your divine heritage, that I AM within you.” 

Guidance received by Eileen Caddy, Findhorn Foundation, England.



The Power of Your Thought

th-25-1The Thoughts I Think Determine the Relationship I Attract… You are the thinking, Vibrating attractor of your experience; and the thoughts you think determine everything about the life that you live. As you turn your attention toward the positive aspects of the personalities and behaviors of others with whom you share your planet, you will train your point of attraction in the direction of only what you desire. Not only does the power of your thought determine which people make their way into your life, but the power of your thought determines how they behave once they get there.   —Abraham

Excerpted from: The Vortex on August 31, 2009


The Ascension Process – A Message from the Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You all receive so much from the other beings in this galaxy, and we ask you to acknowledge that you are in fact receiving energy transmissions, downloads, codes, information, and activations from beings who are far, far away. The reason that we suggest that you acknowledge this is happening is because in your acknowledgement of it you are able then to integrate and assimilate the myriad of energies that are coming to you from the heavens.

Your place in this galaxy is to anchor in these energies so that all may benefit from your ascension process. You do not need to understand how it occurs. You do not need to know anything about DNA in order for your DNA to receive an upgrade or to get activated, but it will serve you very well to consciously receive that which is being given to you. And by consciously receive, we mean take a few moments to open yourselves up energetically, physically, and within each of your chakras.

Open yourselves up to consciously receive, and you will benefit more from what is being sent to you. Ask before you fall asleep to be shown in your dreams what is happening while you are sleeping. Ask to see the full story behind what is occurring on an energetic level. The more you expect to receive something valuable, the easier it is for you to then demonstrate to yourself that you have in fact received it.

When you have experiences now that you cannot explain or that seem like anomalies, do chalk them up to having received something from one of your benefactors and then luxuriate in the feeling of being surrounded by and bombarded by these high frequency energy transmissions. Bathe yourselves in the love and light that is being poured down upon you at all times. Do less and receive more, and benefit you shall from being a part of this galactic family.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” danielscranton.com

An Angel is Assigned to You

shutterstock_212136709“The angel, assigned to each individual, is known as that person’s guardian angel or gatekeeper.  Every person, regardless of his belief or disbelief in angels’ existence, has a guardian angel as his primary, constant, unseen, silent protector, helper and guide.”

“Matthew, Tell Me about Heaven,” P. 79, A Matthew Book with Suzanne Ward.

Spiritual Transformation – A Channeling from the Arcturians

“We, the Arcturians, greet you with love and joy. Today we wish to discuss the process of your transformation, highlighting areas for you to contemplate and focus upon. Many of you understand your process of transformation while in existence upon the Earth into the light being that is your truth. We, the Arcturians wish to guide you through this process so you may assist yourself more fully, calling upon the necessary aid so that each transformation you experience is easy, effortless and enjoyable.

When you begin to focus on observing your entire being each day, even if only for a few minutes, you allow yourself to connect into the energy, feelings, sensations, colours and sounds of your entire being, becoming present with yourself. At first, you may not understand or even be able to explain the energy of your entire being. Instead, you may be distracted by emotions, thoughts or areas of your body. Acknowledge anything that rises into your awareness and then continue with your focus and intention of observing your entire being. There is no need to focus on experiencing love or connecting with the Creator, simply observe what your energy feels like to you at that moment. Is there a lot of light pouring into your being? Do you feel heavy and drowsy? Do you sense that you are ungrounded or resisting something? Whatever you observe, acknowledge it first and then let it go, if the same observation keeps returning to you then allow yourself to focus on the energy as it may require your attention. Once you feel you have become familiar with your energy then you may wish to use this innovation:

‘Together with my guides, angels, healing and transformational team, I invite the most appropriate energies and frequencies of light to gently penetrate my entire being, anchoring all that I require to support my constant transformation, healing and ascension. I allow all resistance to dissolve as I receive the necessary light to support me now. Thank you.’

Take a few moments to imagine yourself receiving the necessary light and assistance from the Universe of the Creator. This simple process will not only allow you to release blockages and resistance to your ascension, often without realizing, you will also become familiar with the presence of your energy. This means that you will be aware when you are moving through a transformational process and when you are experiencing a rest period where your entire being is recalibrating, and light is settling within your being. The more you achieve this practice, the more you will understand yourself and the ascension process you are moving through. Recognizing whether a cold is simply a cold or whether it is helping you release old energies. Whether a pain in your body is due to something you have done physically or a resistance within your being that requires your intuitive attention. You may realize that you feel tired because of the great volumes of light that are anchoring into your being, recognizing that you require rest. You may feel low in mood because a past lifetime aspect of yourself is returning to merge with your soul and requires to release all burdens before it can fully surrender to the light of your soul. When you are in tune with your entire being, you are more able to assist yourself in moving through your ascension process with ease and happiness. Thus you become intuitive to your spiritual, physical, emotional, mental and ascension needs.

The process of spiritual transformation within a physical body encourages you to trust your intuitive senses. By developing your intuitive senses to aid your own ascension, you become alert and aware of the transformations and positive transitions into greater light occurring within others and the entire Universe of the Creator. Thus, you become a powerful source of light assisting, supporting and encouraging the ascension of the entire Universe of the Creator.

A process of your transformation which occurs often is that new aspects of your soul download and ground into your being to merge with the aspect of your soul already present within your physical body. This means that the presence and influence of your soul becomes stronger within your being, new tools, skills and abilities develop, new passions and desires materialise leading you upon new pathways in your reality, and new wisdom or understanding dawns offering a clearer understanding of self and the Creator. For some people, new aspects of their soul can download every few weeks or months, for others, it can be every few years, depending on the mission of the soul and the focus or acceptance of the personality.

When a new aspect of your soul anchors, this often creates a shift or change in your being or reality which encourages you to let go of an aspect of yourself you are familiar with such as a perspective, habit or understanding. Frequently in order for the new aspect of your soul to enter a transition must take place where you let go of a perception of your identity which no longer serves you. This can be a challenging process especially if the physical body, personality or mind is resisting, unwilling to change or let go. Sometimes we are asked to let go of perceptions, ideas and aspects of ourselves that seem so familiar, which seem to describe who we are and are very much a beloved part of our existence. This can even manifest in your physical reality such as a beloved friend leaving, having to leave a home, job or area which you have enjoyed immensely, losing a precious object or even a part of your body. Often these transitions are so subtle that many people do not notice them and simply perceive them as a natural part of life. However, a perception, idea and understanding of yourself is lost, released and let go of to make space for the new aspect of your soul which will bring forth greater fulfillment and new perspectives. A grieving period may even take place which will allow for a deep cleansing to be experienced, a purging of the old to allow for a new perception, idea and understanding of self to dawn which is when you connect with and accept the new aspect of your soul. With the connection of the new aspect of your soul that was waiting to download you will experience a healing and renewal process allowing you to feel as if you are soaring high. This entire experience is a process of transformation, becoming more of the Creator’s light, love and wisdom upon the Earth.

If you are asked in your life to let go of something or someone, realize that not only new energy are entering into your life, a new aspect and level of your soul is grounding and awakening within you, ready to share all its insights, love and skills with you.

In these times with your intuitive senses, you will be able to comprehend that you require support and assistance.  You may wish to say, ‘Together with my guides, angels, healing and transformational team, I invite the most appropriate energies and frequencies of light to gently penetrate my entire being, anchoring all that I require to support me in letting go and releasing all that is no longer necessary, so I may accept a new aspect of my soul to merge with my physical being, becoming fully present with me now. I am ready to transform with ease and happiness. I invite my soul and soul group to support me now. Thank you.’

It is important to remember that your ascension process can be found in the subtle actions and reactions of your entire being, from your thoughts to your emotions. Even experiences within your physical reality or within your being which do not feel remotely connected to your ascension such as worry, exclusion, fear or anxiety, are keys that encourage you to continue forth, transforming and shifting into the light of the Creator, into your ascension.

Take notice of all that you are; the Creator is speaking to you, through you, guiding you to recognize and remember yourself once more as the light, truth and love of the Creator, and All That Is.

We the Arcturians are supporting the transformation of all upon the Earth. We are aiding you in understanding, experiencing, moving through and accepting each process of your transformation. We are sharing skills, wisdom and tools to encourage, enthuse and support all. Please call upon us for assistance, and we will come forth to share our energy, wisdom and understanding of transformation, as well as offering insights into your own transformation.

‘Arcturians, I call forth your loving, supportive energy to surround me completely. Assist me in gaining new understanding and wisdom concerning transformation and my own transformation process now. Surround me with your healing and inspirational light, love and consciousness as I inhale and accept all you wish to share with me. Thank you.’

In loving transformation, The Arcturians.  https://www.omna.org/process-transformation/

Healing Energies are Here

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 1st June 2017 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa https://www.omna.org/

I am the Consciousness of the Violet Flame. In the same way that you are an essence of the Creator taking form, so am I. I take the form of the Violet Flame of Transmutation supporting the release of negative, stagnant and unneeded energies to further aid your healing and ascension process of the Earth.  I am an energy consciousness that you can call upon whether you are in existence upon the Earth or the inner planes to co-create healing on all levels of your being. I am present to be of service whenever you think of me, call me, express an intention for healing or letting go of limiting and separating energies. As the Violet Flame of Transmutation, I am a potent and intense energy that burns up energies, thoughts, beliefs and fears within you that hinder your connection with the Creator. Due to this, my energy is always accompanied by Angels from the 7th Ray of Light whose sole purpose is to anchor angelic love into your entire being after experiencing a co-created healing with my presence, the Violet Flame of Transmutation. My presence can empty your being of all unneeded energies, the space created then needs to be filled with love to continue the healing process. The Angels promote this by distributing love while also activating your inner love vibrations to blossom into your entire being.

My purpose of connecting with you is to share the shift and upgrade which has occurred within my consciousness. This shift and upgrade is not due to my own evolution, in fact, it is due to the large steps humanity are taking along their spiritual evolution, as well as, the needs of humanity altering. In your past with many low vibrational and stagnant energies to release and heal from your being and reality, a potent cleansing vibration was necessary. Humanity has let go of a great volume of limiting energies and beliefs, that cleansing with such a potent light is no longer required. This means that as the Violet Flames consciousness I am able to access higher vibrations and frequencies of my being from other dimensions, bringing them to synthesis with the aspect of my being humanity connects with and draws upon. Your evolution has allowed me to expand into my greater truth in your presence, allowing me to access higher dimensions of myself to bring forth to you.  In truth, this is also what you are doing; you are constantly accessing higher dimensions of yourself bringing them into manifestation within your current existence, therefore expanding the presence of your truth upon the Earth. You are constantly changing and shifting, therefore, your needs, and the energies you draw upon to support your ascension are also shifting to remain in harmony with you.

The potent and intense cleansing and purification vibrations of my energy will remain ever present. However, when you call upon my energies, you will discover I am much gentler in vibration with a deep flowing energy which promotes connectivity within your being, between your energy systems and with the Creator. This flowing connectivity will promote a powerful sense of oneness and peace within your being, between yourself and others, as well as between yourself and the Creator. Connectivity within your being and with the Creator is one of your intentions within your ascension process, whether you consciously realize this or not. Thus, when you call upon the Violet Flame for purification, cleansing and healing, you will still receive this, and yet the overall sensation and experience will be of energies connecting.

Connectivity creates a greater understanding of self and the Creator while magnifying the light that you are, awakening your inner remembrance to the powerful presence of your inner light. The flow of connectivity will promote truth revealed to you or unfolding from within your being, a harmony with yourself and the Creator, as well as a sense of being fully supported and assisted by the Universe and Creator. My greater presence and co-creation with you will support realizations and embodiments of the wholeness of your being, as well as the wholeness of the Creator within your being. This means that even after you have called upon my assistance and I withdrawn from your energy, you will accelerate akin to a spiral with greater speed and awareness within the energy of unity, connectivity to all and wholeness. In truth, my presence will trigger an activation within you encouraging you t o recognize yourself as whole and united, rather than separate, incomplete and imperfect.

Within the vibration that I, the Violet Flame, now share with you is an awakening of accelerated healing which is the process of bathing all aspects of your being in the purest vibration of the Creator’s light. This brings all aspects of your being back to the light, existing in harmony with your light and truth. My presence will promote, activate and develop the intensity, power and presence of your own natural self-healing abilities.  In truth, your self-healing abilities will be magnified. You will notice more and more healing taking place within your being due to your intentions, energies or assistance from the divine you have called upon or your own healing energy being directed to certain areas of your being. As you may be able to gather, I am awakening the truth within you and co-creating a deeper connectivity to the truth of the Creator.

When calling upon my energy you can still hold the same intention as before for healing, cleansing and purification, however, so much more will take place as I have explained. If you do call upon my presence with the intention of promoting your self-healing, experiencing a greater connectivity and wholeness within your being or a greater unity with the Creator, then I will co-create this with you in the most appropriate and magical way. It is your choosing as to whether you wish to retain your original focus or expand your mind to consciously explore the co-creation we can achieve together.

Co-Creating with the Violet Flame

During meditation or quiet time, call upon my energy to be present with you:

‘Violet Flame of Transmutation and Connectivity, I call upon your presence to draw forth, surround me and co-creating with me. I welcome your energies, consciousness and activations to be of service to my ascension in ways that I can understand as well as ways guided by my soul which I may not need to acknowledge. As your energy fills my entire being, I share with you my intention and reason for calling upon your assistance and service.

(Please state your intention in your own words from your heart.)

I now surrender to your co-creation of my intention within my being and reality, knowing that my soul and higher aspects will oversee all transitions and shifts activated within my being. Violet Flame of Transmutation and Connectivity I now receive your energy. Thanks and gratitude is expressed from my heart.’

Imagine, sense or acknowledge that you exist within a Violet Flame, which completely surrounds your body and energetic bodies. Stay within my energy observing your entire being or allowing yourself to recognise any areas which require healing or any transformations which take place.

Imagine from the base of my energy, the Violet Flame which surrounds you, a pale violet light spirals moving up through the centre of your being, reaching out beyond your crown chakra. This is my energy merging the connectivity frequency of my energy, activating a frequency of wholeness within your being which blossoms into all aspects of your being. Simply focus upon the pale violet spiral continuously flowing from below you, up through the centre of your being and beyond.

Bring your attention to your higher heart chakra, your own sacred energy and self-healing vibrations will begin to awaken, overflowing to fill your entire being. Qualities of unity, truth, oneness and self-love may be recognised within the sacred energy now filling your being. You may notice that you feel your inner energy expanding consciously, connecting with aspects of the Creator. This will support an acceleration of your ascension while downloading new Creator energy into your being.

Much will occur which may be beyond your recognition; it is important to remain in meditation until you feel my energy withdraw as then you will be certain that my co-creation with you is complete. If the energy becomes too intense, please make a direct request to me to decrease the speed of my vibration until it becomes more comfortable for you. Finally, it is appropriate to know and understand that as my energy withdraws so, the Angels of the 7th Ray of Light will draw forth and channel angelic love into your being to assist further and to complete the process.

With loving intentions for your ascension,

Unlimited Stream of Well-Being


“See yourself, right where you are now, as the beneficiary of the powerful Stream of Well-Being.  Try to imagine that you are basking in the flow of this powerful Stream.  Make an effort to feel yourself as the Leading-Edge beneficiary of this unlimited Stream and smile and try to accept that you are worthy of it.”  Abraham-Hicks “Ask and It Is Given Calendar, 2007.


Clark Little Photograpy

The Earth is Ascending into a Higher Dimension

homeless+dog+black+white“I should add that work like yours, finding caring families for homeless dogs, is helping to strengthen the entire light network.  Those animals who had been living in fear or deprivation no longer are emanating the negativity that their former circumstances were causing.

I know you feel guilty because your primary interest is helping dogs even though you see great need elsewhere for assistance, too.  You are inspired to do what you are doing just as others are inspired to relieve human suffering or preserve endangered species or clean up the environment.  All these types of assistance are invaluable in preparing Earth for her ascendance into a higher dimension.”

“Matthew, Tell Me about Heaven,” P. 75, A Matthew Book with Suzanne Ward

Latest Assessment of Humanity by the Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We take great pride in letting you in on our latest assessment of humanity. You have turned a corner and have begun to shake yourselves free of the idea of oppression and persecution on your world. There has been a spiritual uprising within enough of you who recognize that no one outside of you can make you a victim, and that realization within each of you who has awakened is enough to tip the scales for humanity.

When you are able to see another as acting on your behalf, when you are able to see the other as a co-creator, that’s when you know you have moved past the need to co-create an experience of oppression. You lift the veil and you see yourself in the mirror staring back at you. You see that the game you’ve been playing is not with the reptilians, or the anunnaki, or even the illuminati. It’s not with the corporations, the banks, or the politicians. The game you’ve been playing is with yourself.

And when you wake up to this knowing, when you understand that there is no one out there who can control your destiny, that’s when you loosen up enough to allow in all of the energy that you’ve been summoning as you’ve been playing that game of being the victim. Now is the time for you to receive all that you’ve been asking for, and it’s as simple as taking your attention away from the idea of the oppressor and the idea that anyone in your life can keep you from what you’ve been summoning.

There is a shift occurring for all of humanity because of those like you, and when the majority of people on the planet are also ready to receive what they’ve been summoning, you’re going to have a monumental shift in the way that you deal with each other economically. You will no longer experience hierarchies, persons of authority or massive amounts of power.

You will experience equality, and harmony, and freedom. All of that is what you’ve just turned the corner towards, and now, as we have said, it’s just a matter of opening yourselves up to receive it.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” danielscranton.com

Energy Wave hitting and Transforming each of us – Jenny Schiltz

“Whew! Can you feel that energy wave that is really hitting us? As usual, we seem to be all over the place with how it is making us feel – both physically and emotionally. This energy is transforming us, not only physically but mentally, preparing us for what is to come. Our job is to simply allow the process to take place and do our best to find peace and joy within.

The big thing for me has been joint aches. They started a few days prior to the energy hitting as some of us seem to “pre-wave”. My neck, shoulders, and elbows really ached and then the next day it was my hips, knees and ankles. Thankfully the joint pain has passed, but what hasn’t is this sense of being a caged tiger. I feel this excitement running through my body, but it has an anxious undertone to it. I am finding I just want to be outside and in the sun. Movement is also really important and while it is hard to think of moving when your body aches – it can really help move the energy THROUGH you.

Others are experiencing exhaustion, bloating (which is just so much fun), headaches, back pain, flair ups of chronic issues and lots of ringing in the ears. Anxiety and depression are common during such energy acceleration as are bad dreams. You are simply clearing deep, deep programming. Some are even clearing apocalyptic timelines. Don’t attach to whatever is coming up, simply watch it arise and then let it go. When we attach to it, we don’t allow it to leave and in fact we create cords to whatever “it” is, firmly keeping it with us.

I was told that this energy blast is making us all more susceptible to outside energy influences. This can be the television, social media, all electronics and even people. However, it works both ways and we are just as susceptible to the energy influences of the wind, the sun, plants and most certainly laughter. Allow how you feel emotionally to determine what is right for you. For some watching a movie is perfect and for others going for a walk soothes the soul.

I know many of you are tired and want this to end. I won’t sugar coat it and say that it is going to end anytime soon, because it’s not. However, we get stronger, the body upgrades, we grow and we learn and that eases things. Those just beginning this process are being affected by things that someone who has been “at this” for a while doesn’t even blink an eye at. The key is to take a step back and see how you have grown and changed. Allow this knowledge to give you strength to keep going.

The heart chakra and solar plexus are being nailed at the moment and we are being asked “Can you step into your power and remain in your heart?” So we are being shown areas where we have not been able to do this, where we must correct and adjust our lives. We are being shown where we still hold judgement, lack, insecurity, and doubt. Become the observer and take note of what is being shown  as if you are seeing someone else’s life – that way you can see what needs changing, adding to or needs walking away from without judgement.

Sending you all so much LOVE and SUPPORT as we continue on your journey. Serious thank you to all who share this work. It means the world. <3  Jenny
