You Are the Leaders of the Future

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

In the breaking free from societal norms, you put yourselves on a different frequency, a different wavelength, than the majority of the people on planet Earth. This difference means that you all are creating a new standard, a new normal. You’re not here to change the current systems or to change society. You are here to create something new and in so doing you often feel like the weird ones, the outcasts.

You feel that you do not fit in or that you cannot hold a typical conversation with a person who fits in nicely with the way society wants that person to be. When you believe in extra-terrestrials, channeling, dimensions, parallel universes, angels, faeries, and all sorts of other things, you are creating the experience of not only being separate, but also not being included.

This can be a lonely path that you have all chosen for yourselves, but it is the path that you are on now and you cannot help but to believe in what you believe. You cannot make yourselves fit in to a society that does not acknowledge the things that you talk about as though they were commonplace. Wanting to fit in is a normal and natural desire. Wanting other people to get you, and to validate you, and to be able to relate to you is an innate tendency that you are born with.

Staying on your path in spite of the fact that you don’t fit in and that other people don’t get you will have its rewards. You, the weird ones and the outcasts, will be the leaders in the future. You will be the ones who can explain what is happening to everyone else. You will have an opportunity to provide guidance and support to those who are struggling with adjusting to the new normal, the normal that you accepted a long time ago.

Bridging your reality to the reality of the majority of civilization is a task that you signed up for, but don’t expect them to come to you. You will be the ones who extend out your hands to help, and to serve, and to bring everyone into the fold of the fifth dimension.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Jenny Schiltz and the November 11th Experience

The 11:11 Gateway and the Crystalline Form

“The energy that we are experiencing lately is very intense and unlike any that we have seen before. It has to do with where we are in the galaxy. We are receiving codes from different locations particularly the Grand Central Sun. We are already beginning to feel the energies of the 11:11 gateway. This one will be a particularly powerful as there is a giant push for all to awaken and release fully the ties that bind.  It will continue to be intense as we are in the final energies of the year.

For many, the Ascension symptoms have ramped up. This is due to the energies coming in and changing our DNA. As we go from a carbon-based form to a crystalline one all density must go in order for us to move forward on this process. This is not only our physical density but the density that locks us into a prescribed reality such as our belief systems, self-sacrificing and victimhood patterning. It is all the areas where we have not forgiven or loved ourselves or another completely. It is the areas where we have judged another or ourselves. We must decide that we want to be HERE on earth during this amazing time. We must decide with every fabric of our being that we want to LIVE.

In order to navigate these energies, we do not need to be perfect. We do however have to actively work on releasing all that no longer serves. Some of you may feel as if you have backtracked recently. While painful it plays an important role. When we feel ourselves dip into the lower frequencies it is a stark contrast to when we feel clear and full of love. Allow this contrast to propel you even further on your quest to embody your highest self. We can no longer sit on the fence, we must choose where we want to be and work to maintain that frequency.

How the body is handling the energies

The body is definitely responding to the new codes coming in.  The cranium is changing which can result in earaches, temple, and sinus cavity pressure. The teeth ache and shift as they release old programming. The spine is upgrading and helping us to disconnect from one reality and anchor securely into another. As the body becomes more crystalline it can experience intense itching and temperature fluctuations. The body can lose essential minerals during these high energy phases. Ask your body if it needs magnesium, calcium, cell salts, Vitamin D, C, or B or water. Feel the response and act on it.

Anxiety can be an overwhelming side effect as can the nervous system going into overdrive. Now is the time to pull out all the ways you have learned to self-heal on this journey. Grounding, spending time in nature, baths, exercise, crystals, flower essences, essential oils, and herbs such as ‘Theanine Serene with Relora’ can do wonders.  Getting bodywork is very helpful, such as Reiki, Acupuncture, Massage, Cranial Sacral, and other modalities can help to move stuck energy through. If you feel that none of these ways are assisting you, don’t hesitate to see a doctor or a homeopath of your choosing. My guides told me very clearly that to think I don’t need assistance from other healers even from western medicine is a function of ego and a belief system. All things have their place on our individualized journey, we must choose through our open heart center which is the best for us.

Bring in your team during any sessions that you have to help amplify your healing. Ask for assistance from your Ascension team. Tell them what is taking place within your form and give permission to be helped in all ways. Understand that giving full consent to be helped, may mean that you are shown more clearly an area in your life that is not in resonance with who you are becoming.”

Align With Your Desire

“There are always those who thrive when masses are dying of sickness. There are always those who thrive economically when economic decline seems to be the order of your nation. There are always those who are clear-minded in environments of confusion. You do not need everyone or anyone else to align with your desire—only you need to align with your desire.”

Get so fixated on what you want, that you drown out any vibration or reverberation that has anything to do with what you do not want.”

Abraham-Hicks on  3/8/03 and 10/2/04


A Central Channel Upgrade ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have begun to initiate a procedure that is working directly with the energy that is contained within your central channels. You have a central channel that allows for a particular type of energy to flow through you, and we are assisting you on an energetic level to increase the amount of energy and the frequency of that energy that you will be able to hold and flow within your central channel.

Your central channel runs from the top of your head to the base of your spine, just like your seven main chakras, and the energy contained within your central channel on a regular basis is getting an upgrade. Slowly, we are enhancing and raising the vibration of that energy so that when you eventually open up to receive fifth dimensional energy, your physical bodies will have acclimated, and you will be able to run that energy through you.

Now, if you are wondering what it is that you can do to help this particular upgrade, we recommend that you practice feeling for your central channel and that you practice sending light and love to it from your heart center. Once the procedure is completed on those of you who are awakened, we will monitor the effects and see how you do with receiving fifth dimensional energy directly from fifth dimensional sources.

You are always going to lead on the path to ascension, and so once we are comfortable with the results, we will begin the process with those who are still resting. And having gone through the process yourselves, you will lead the way and ultimately you will help those who have a more challenging time acclimating to these energies. You will know how to help them because the energies that will be running through your central channel will help you help them.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


Your 5th Dimensional Abilities ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. You have a series of upgrades coming your way that are designed to give you greater access to the experiences that you have heard about and wanted for yourselves that have been labeled as fifth dimensional. These upgrades are coming to you as a result of the wonderful work that you have all been doing to clear out that which is of a lower frequency, making room for these higher frequency energies that will have a much desired effect on your physical bodies.

You are using your physical bodies to access so much information that is stored in your cells and in your DNA. And as you receive these upgrades, you will be unlocking more of that potential that exists within you, the potential for greater use of your third eye, the potential for telekinesis, and even levitation and teleportation. You are beyond capable of these so-called gifts. Each one of you carries the potential within you, and each one of you has achieved these feats and more in previous lifetimes.

So you are ready for these upgrades. You are ready, and you have earned them, not that you ever have to earn anything in order to receive it. But in this case, you really have done the work that is necessary to clear out some of your deepest and darkest fears.

Those deepest and darkest fears have come from experiences of persecution, and experiences where you abused your powers. Both were equally upsetting in the lifetimes where you had those experiences, and so you’ve done a lot of work to make room for what is rightfully yours.

These upgrades will activate that which is already a part of you physically, and you will begin to experience your physical body and your physical senses in new and exciting ways. We are excited to see what you will do with your fifth-dimensional abilities in this lifetime.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


A Time for Forgiveness ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

This is the perfect time for you all to lay down your resentments, to let go of your grudges, and to come clean with those in your life that you need to forgive. This is a time of letting go of that which is heavy, that which is old, and that which no longer serves you, because you are always letting in that which is of a high frequency, that which does serve you, and that which takes you to the next step on your journey.

In letting go of the dense, polarizing, third-dimensional ways, you allow yourselves to take on the fifth dimensional perspective, and the more you hold the fifth dimensional perspective, the more you vibrate in harmony with those energies, the energies that are creating the new Earth. Our sense of what is happening on planet Earth right now is that more and more humans are waking up to the knowing that nothing is gained by drawing a line in the sand and putting all of the bad ones on the other side of that line.

It is a time for compassion, which means it is a time for understanding. It is a time for allowing others to have their perspectives, no matter how different they are from your own. Now, if you are waiting for the people who run the governments to initiate this change and start working together, you are going to be waiting for a very long time.

If instead, you recognize that all change comes from within, then you will stop taking sides and start taking on the fifth dimensional perspective, the perspective that shows you that all circumstances on planet Earth right now are in some way of service to the evolution of humanity. Therefore, starting in your own personal life, you can begin the process of bringing together polarized elements.

You can start by seeing the beauty in everything that you’ve experienced and by letting go of that resentment that you’ve been holding onto. When that weight is lifted, more fifth dimensional energy comes in, and you get to experience yourself as a lighter version of you.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”