“Many of you are called to world service through your emotions. Thousands of light beings are having heavy, difficult thoughts. None of them thought that it would include fatigue, failure, and loss. Yet as you shoulder these burdens and pick yourself up again, you will find you are filled with greater and greater strength. You are not alone. You must call upon your angels and guides and Ascended masters to assist you.
Just say it: Dear God, Masters, Teachers, and all being of one hundred percent God Light, I need some help, and I need it now!
Say it over and over like a mantra–until things get better.
There is so much darkness being released that when one light bearer is able to move past a dark thought he or she is carrying, that clears eons of misused energy; it clears humanity for future generations, thus making way for the Ascension!”
Waking Up In 5D, Maureen J. St. Germain, p. 115.