Become A Light Unto The Earth

“Practice finding the feeling of love so you can connect with it more and more frequently. Think of it as a skill you are developing.

As you find that feeling of love, your vibration is instantly raised. Immediately, you are in a flow towards all you desire. In the feeling of love, you can hear or perceive us more easily. You have more joy. You feel more confident. You trust life more.

The more you connect to love, in any way you choose to do it—through sleep, meditation, appreciation, doing things for yourself or others, prayer, walking, cooking, creating, serving, and being—the more you will feel your best, most powerful, most abundant, care-for, beloved self. 

Don’t wait for others to give you this gift of love. Claim it for yourself often, and then when others shine that light upon you, it will simply amplify the love you have already found, flowed, and inspired from within. Love is here for you now and always. It is yours for the tuning, the taking, and the sharing.

As you feel the feeling of love—no matter whether giving or receiving—you become less susceptible to external energies and more susceptible to the adoring guidance of the Divine and your angels.

In this vibration, you become a light unto the earth.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels”


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After thirty years of teaching Inner City, Special Education students and forty-five years of metaphysical studies, I have decided to share my life's philosophical understandings on this wonderful website. For me, everything in my life has been a spiritual experience from being raised in an alcoholic household, to marriage and teaching, and finally caring for an Alzheimer parent. I have sought at least fifteen, personal psychic readings to try and assist me as a wife, teacher and caretaker. I want to share the wisdom that I have gained from following the valuable spiritual guidance from my inner knowing and from heeding the advise of channeled answers from trusted psychics. At almost 70 years old, I am writing, traveling and enjoying retirement in Florida.

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