Take The Time To Listen

“The solution of mental problems is more important to us than physical, although this does not seem true to the average individual lost in the twisted paths of materialism.  Free the mind and the battle is almost won.  Mental anguish is far greater than physical, for the mind can conquer physical pain, but it is necessary for the spiritual forces to aid the suffering mind.

Let us look within ourselves and know that we are workers together with God.  We should analyze ourselves to find out just where the flesh is weak, where we are most likely to fail, and then seek a constant reinforcement of spirit that will make us hold on with unwavering faith to our Ideal.

‘When the day is dark and the way is obscure and we can still hold on, there is evidence that there is faith.  When the sea of life is rough and we have the courage to step out boldly on the very center of our being that is saying, ‘Peace, be still,’ (Mark 4:39) for ‘I am with thee and will not leave thee.’ (Mark 15:34)

We have heard it.  We can hear it always if we will only take the time to listen.’ ”

Search For God – Bk 1, Association for Research and Enlightenment, pgs. 46-7.

What Is The Best Religion?

“‘What is the best religion?’ queried a truth seeker.

‘Self-realization is, in fact, the only religion.’ Yogananda replied. ‘For it is the true purpose of religion, no matter how people define their beliefs.’

A person may be Christian or Jewish, Buddhist or Hindu, Moslem or Zoroastrian; he may proclaim that Jesus Christ is the only way, or Buddha, or Mohammed — as indeed, millions of believers do.  He may insist that this ritual, or that place of worship, bestows salvation.  But it all comes down to what he is, in himself.

A thousand Christs wouldn’t be able to give you God, if you didn’t first make love to Him yourself.

What does God care how you define Him?  Could any dogma encompass Him, Who is everything and far more than everything.  And don’t you suppose that a Moslem or a Hindu who loves God is as dear to Jesus Christ as any Christian — and much more acceptable to him than those among his own followers who believe in God with their minds, but have no love for Him in their hearts?

Jesus Christ didn’t come to earth, nor does any great master come, to draw people to himself.  He came to draw them to the truth — that truth which, Jesus said, ‘shall make you free,’ (John 8:32) The divine message is ever impersonal as it relates to this truth.

At the same time, it is personal in its relation to the individual seeker.  That is to say, the masters don’t tell people, ‘You will be saved by the religion you follow, outwardly.’ They tell them, ‘You will be saved by what you do, personally, to establish your kindship with God.’

Self-realization is the eternal message of religion.  Whatever your beliefs and practices, the essential purpose of religion is to help you to fulfill your own highest potential, as a child of God.

Your religion is not the garb you wear outwardly, but the garment of light you weave around your heart.  By outward garb, I don’t mean your physical raiment only, but rather the thoughts and beliefs in which you enclose yourself.  They are not you. 

Discover who you are, behind those outer trappings, and you will discover who Jesus was, and Buddha, and Krishna. For the masters come to earth for the purpose of holding up to every man a reflection of his deeper, eternal Self.

The Essence of Self-Realization – The Wisdom of Paramhansa Yogananda, Recorded and compiled by his disciple, Kriyananda (J. Donald Walters), p. 117 – 119.

Religion Vs. Spirituality – One Point Of View

“Telling people you are spiritual but not religious is often greeted with a confused face.  People tend to think of spirituality as something very strange and mysterious.  They even struggle to differentiate it from religion.

The truth of the matter is that spirituality is perhaps the most natural thing there is.  It is simply your own conscious self recognizing that you are more than just a body, that you are a soul with infinite potential.
Religion is a path to God. Spirituality is also a path to God. However, they have differences in approach.
The essence of religion:
Fear God and obey God.
The quintessence of spirituality:
Love God and become a divine representation of the Creator.

Some of the main differences between religion and spirituality –

1. Experience vs Belief. Religion usually entails adhering to a certain dogma or belief system. Spirituality places little importance on intellectual beliefs but is concerned with growing into and experiencing the Divine consciousness.
2. Fear vs Love. Quite often religion takes the approach of fearing God. Religion is often concerned with sin, guilt, and a concept of a God who punishes. The spiritual approach to God is through the path of love. This is a love where there is no judgment – only acceptance. Spirituality feels so-called sins are really just ignorance based on a false belief of who we are.
3. Where is God? Often religion talks of God as being high in the heavens. At times God can seem far from the reach of aspiring humanity. Spirituality shows us that God is omniscient and omnipresent and can be felt as a living presence in our own hearts. Spirituality says there is no separation between the Creator and Creation.
4. One True Religion vs Universality. Many followers of religion feel that only their path can lead to salvation. They have tremendous faith in their own religion, but at the same time, they feel other religions are wrong. Therefore, they can feel a necessity to convert others to their faith.
All spiritual persons are religious but all religious persons are not
necessarily spiritual.
There is nothing more toxic to the soul or dangerous to your development as a person than believing in something that is wrong, misguided, and outdated.
What I am talking about here specifically is religion.
Now let me be clear. I’m not talking about religious texts necessarily, or God, or Christ, or Buddha, or any of the wisdom contained within various religions. I am talking about religious fundamentalism as it currently exists.
There is a difference between having a personal relationship with God and being buried head-deep in religious dogma and spiritual ignorance.”

A Few Aspects Of Power

“Power is the ability to empathize with others without being affected personally by such feelings. But true power comes with much responsibility. ‘To whom much is given, much is expected.’ Power does not mean that you are better than others but that you are much more reserved than others. The presence of power does not mean dominance, but a sense of self-preservation.

Self-preservation is the ultimate power. A person who reacts too quickly, too extremely, and too emotionally cannot wield power simply because their sense of preservation is diminished and therefore results in reactions. Power ultimately relies on self-preservation.

Power is patience. Power is resilience. Power is consideration. Power is empathy but without self-control it becomes nothing but an illusion. The illusion of power is that it belongs to a specific group or person, a specific place or a specific thing but power is none of these things because true power is in the heart; a heart full of self-preservation. So the ultimate power is love; love of oneself, and also the love of others. Mind you, this love does not mean weakness. Love seen as weakness is an illusion and only serves as foolishness to assume love to be weak. True love is never weak.

Love is the ultimate power and those who wield it must do so in truth and honour.

And so it is.

Now, may the joy of knowing yourself be with you always.

Eternal Peace.”

ASCENSION 101: The Old Souls And The Adepts (Series), THE ILLUSION OF POWER, David Khillaveli