To Live A Path With Heart

“To live a path with heart means … to allow the flavor of goodness to permeate our life.  When we bring full attention to our acts, when we express our love and see the preciousness of life, the quality of goodness in us grows.  A simple caring presence can begin to permeate more moments of our life.  And so we should continually ask our own heart, ‘What would it mean to live like this?  Is the path, the way we have chosen to live our life, leading to this?’

In the stress and complexity of our lives, we may forget our deepest intentions.  But when people come to the end of their life and look back, the questions that  they most often ask are not usually ‘How much is in my bank account?’ or ‘How many books did I write?’ or ‘What did I build?’ or the like.  If you have the privilege of being with a person who is aware at the time of his or her death. you find the questions such a person asks are very simple:  ‘Did I love well?’  ‘Did I live fully?’  ‘Did I learn to let go?’

These simple questions go to the very center of spiritual life.  When we consider loving well and living fully, we can see the ways our attachments and fears have limited us, and we can see the many opportunities for our hearts to open.  Have we let ourselves love the people around us, our family, our community, the earth upon which we live?  And, did we also learn to let go?  Did we learn to live through the changes of life with grace, wisdom, and compassion?  Have we learned to forgive and live from the spirit of the heart instead of the spirit of judgment?

Letting go is a central theme in spiritual practice, as we see the preciousness and brevity of life.  When letting go is called for, if we have not learned to do so, we suffer greatly, and when we get to the end of our life, we may have what is called a crash course.  Sooner or later we have to learn to let go and allow the changing mystery of life to move through us without our fearing it, without holding and grasping.

Letting go and moving through life from one change to another brings the maturing of our spiritual being.  In the end, we discover that to love and let go can be the same thing.  Both ways do not seek to possess.  Both allow us to touch each moment of this changing life and allow us to be there fully for whatever arises next.”

A Path with Heart: A Guide Through the Perils and Promises of Spiritual Life, Jack Kornfield, pgs. 14 – 15.



It’s Your Movie

“I would not be surprised if you find it hard to accept that you are essential to the existence of the physical universe, that you ‘make the world.’ 

It’s just there,’ you probably think, ‘and I have nothing to do with it!’

Yet our essential role in the existence of the physical universe has been confirmed over and over by science’s intelligent-observer experiments — a matter wave only behaves like matter when observed by an intelligent observer.”


The Physics Of God, Joseph Selbie, p. 135.


Love Yourself First

Beautiful Souls,

‘Love yourself first‘ is a profound reminder that the deepest, most profound love is within us, waiting to be embraced. It’s an invitation to surrender to our own magnificence, honor our unique journey, and nurture our soul.
Loving yourself first is not selfish; it’s essential. It’s recognizing that you are the universe, manifested in human form, and that your worthiness is divine. When you love yourself, you align with your true essence, and your energy shifts.
As we embrace this truth, we begin to see that we are the source of love, and the embodiment of compassion. We realize that we are already worthy, and that we don’t need external validation to be enough.
As we love ourselves first, we discover that we have the capacity to love others more deeply, more authentically. We see that we are all inter-connected, and that our love for ourselves is the foundation for our love for the world.
We are the love we seek, and when we embrace it, nurture it, and let it shine in all its glory, we become the universe, loving itself through us with all Its might.
May we all remember this truth, and may love guide us home.
Love and Light. ♥️✨️

~ Abiu Feliz

Abiu Feliz

Michael Newton Interview – Past Life Regression

Michael Newton discusses his work on past life regression, hypnotherapy and the afterlife. Interview from 2006 and recorded at his home in California. Michael created TNI – The Newton Institute:

(At 1 hr. 34 min., Newton speaks of the possibility of Atlantis and other physical worlds.)


Life After Death In Other Galaxies

Michael Newton, Ph.D. was a psychologist, master hypnotherapist, and teacher for more than forty years.  In his book, Journey of Souls, using his groundbreaking hypnosis techniques, his subjects described life after death.

He writes, “In the early days of my studies of souls, I half-expected that those subjects who could recall other worlds would say they had lived in our galaxy within the neighborhood of the sun.

This assumption was naive.  Earth is in a sparse section of the

Milky Way with only eight stars that are ten light years from the sun.

We know our own galaxy has more than two-hundred billion stars within a universe currently speculated at one-hundred-billion galaxies.

The worlds around the suns which might support life are staggering to the imagination.  Consider, if only a small fraction of one percent of the stars in our galaxy had planets with intelligent life useful to souls, the number would still be in the millions.

From what I can gather from subjects willing and able to discuss former assignments, souls are sent to any world with suitable intelligent life forms.  Out of all the stars which are known to us, only four percent are like our sun.  Apparently, this means nothing to souls.  Their planetary incarnations are not linked to Earth-type worlds or with intelligent bipeds who walk on land.  Souls who have been to other worlds tell me they have a fondness for certain ones and return to them (like Earth) periodically for a succession of lives.  I have not had many subjects who are able to recall specific details about living on other worlds. 

However recently, I had two subjects who were best friends and came to me at the same time for regression.  Not only had they been soulmates in many former lives on Earth, but were also mated as fish-like intelligent beings in a beautiful water world.  Both recalled the enjoyment of playing underwater with their strong appendages and coming up to the surface, ‘to peek.’  I suspect it was not Earth because I have had others who tell of living in an aquatic environment they know was unearthly.  From what I can gather, souls are sent to any world with suitable intelligent life forms.”

Journey Of Souls – Case Studies Of Life Between Lives, Michael Newton, Ph.D., p.192.

Death And The Afterlife

“Question 8: If there is any time, please give each some awareness of life after death and survival of the soul.

Lama Sing: We find that in terms of life, which will follow, it will be continuous as though there was merely a disruption of sorts, not unlike the normal sleep period. Though this would be in the conscious sense, one which would be somewhat aware, that you would be aware of sleep, that you would be aware of a change, a resting, a moment’s lack of consciousness of the body physical, but still some full consciousness.

Then there would be the movement from this realm called the Earth plane to another called the spiritual. We would find in the spiritual realm then, the point of some rest or review, some decision, and then the movement to whatever area or level of consciousness suits thee best. While it might seem odd from your plane to think of a realm such as this, it also seems odd to think from another realm of a realm such as the Earth where one is encumbered by the physical, limited by the effect of mind without the knowledge to change same.

You cannot picture yourself without being capable of walking to and fro, speaking, hearing, seeing; yet if you had other capabilities, you would assume these to be permanent parts of self and you would not be able to think of self without them. We assure you there are many more such.

That the ability to heal the body with a moment, the ability to restore self in terms of full consciousness, and so forth all are possible even in your realm. They come with greater acceptance, greater growth.”, 19761212 0775 – Page #6, Lama Sing Channeled Reading on 12-12-1976 by Al Miner.