Inspiring spiritual truths that answer your deepest questions
Author: mysticheartsong
After thirty years of teaching Inner City, Special Education students and
forty-five years of metaphysical studies, I have decided to share my life's philosophical understandings on this wonderful website. For me, everything in my life has been a spiritual experience from being raised in an alcoholic household, to marriage and teaching, and finally caring for an Alzheimer parent. I have sought at least fifteen, personal psychic readings to try and assist me as a wife, teacher and caretaker. I want to share the wisdom that I have gained from following the valuable spiritual guidance from my inner knowing and from heeding the advise of channeled answers from trusted psychics. At almost 70 years old, I am writing, traveling and enjoying retirement in Florida.
From “The Law of One Book 3” by the channeled source, Ra.
P. 149
“Questioner – Why is the Higher Self reluctant to enter negative time/space, our third dimension)?
Ra – The Higher Self is reluctant to allow its mind/body/spirit complex to enter negative time/space for the same basic reason an entity of your societal complex would be reluctant to enter a prison. Continue reading “Law of One Channelings”
Have you have ever thought that, “If I could just not take everything so personally, I sure would be happier?” If you’ve thought that you don’t want to deal with another negative person and dread that experience, below is a new idea. If you don’t know how to respond to mean people, listen to Matt Kahn’s advise in “The End of Victimhood.”
A very wise Unity minister told me recently, “People who disrespect you have been disrespected. People that act rudely have been treated rudely and they are passing on what they know. They are damaged. Their ego is fighting to retain some place of importance. So they strike back… sometimes before they are even touched.”
“As the Master of my Destiny and the creator of the my reality, I hereby move my consciousness into a parallel time line where all soul contracts have already been resolved. I move my consciousness into a time line where all energetic cords have already been cut and all karmic ties have been undone. I move into the time line where all ancestral lineages and bloodlines and genetic predispositions have been transmuted. All cellular memories are released. All self defeating habits, patterns of sabotage, victim hood, and unconsciousness have been released out of this, my energy field. Also, my energy field is released of all lower vibrational influences, beliefs, identifications and attachments. They are returned to the source of its origin, transmuted completely, and returned to the purity, wholeness and perfection of Eternal Light.
As I reside here as a fully conscious, aligned, and embodied, living expression of ascension within my soul’s highest reality within the Fifth Dimensional Earth plane, I acknowledge and celebrate the ascension of Earth that has already occurred to completion. The Shift of the Ages has already shifted. The Aquarian Age of Heaven on Earth and the Golden Age of Unity Consciousness, that is fully actualized in the present moment time, is anchored as my new zero point field. In this new, zero point field, I freely receive all the infinite flowing abundance, prosperity, and wealth that has already been given. The absolute success of my highest destiny is already here. The greatest fulfillment, the most miraculous health, synchronicity, and immaculate perfection is present in my every breath. I interact with the highest aspects of all I meet and encounter. I celebrate the fulfillment of the work that I’ve already done in previous lifetimes. With anything that is below this highest vibration no longer present in this energy field or any energy field or throughout, the infinite forms of all are present. With a loving heart, living within a cascading waterfall of inspiration, I embody the highest frequency of joy. I bring forth the highest expressions of truth. I know and declare that only the loving, wise Universe chooses every word, makes every choice, and orchestrates every opportunity with only the highest possibility ever coming forth. And in knowing it is so, now and forever, once and for all, I command it as I am now. And so it is.”
James Tyberonn worked as a professional engineer & geologist for 33 years. As a geologist he had the opportunity to study the earth on every continent. He is a native of Arkansas, but has lived & worked abroad for 33 years, circumnavigating the globe many times & traveling to over 85 countries in his geology work. Tyb has always had a very deep love for the earth, and a driven interest in spirituality and metaphysics all of his life.
This World Peace Meditation Event was accomplished on February 1, 2016.
More are planned in the future! James Twyman writes below, “My goal is to gather 100,000 people into this tribe that will be ready at a moment’s notice to share their prayers of peace when a world crisis arises. Stay tuned. The fun, and the miracles, have just begun.” Continue reading James Twyman –
After having followed Lama Sing’s wisdom for years and having gotten a personal reading in 2008, I decided to follow up that reading with more questions.
Lama Sing began with this prayer, “In the embrace of light, Father, do we feel You. In the embrace of darkness do we feel You. In all things, Father, do we find that You are here and Your spirit calling to us to seek out, to know, and to ever be joyful in the journey. So is it, then, our prayer herein that this may be indeed, a joyful journey for that one who is seeking. We give thanks unto these, our Channel and his mate, for their continued dedication and service in our good Father’s name. And so now we come to join the Master as He offers a prayer for all those who have lost their way and those who know not to ask.”
Lama Sing begins with this advise without my asking … “As one journeys through the experience called life upon Earth, there are ever those opportunities and turnabouts wherein one can peer this way and that and look to the right and left. And as one might do such an action, the evaluation of one’s journey to that point and the (quote), “options to be considered thereafter,” (end quote) are often those which require some reference point from the spirit within. Continue reading 2009 Lama Sing Personal Reading Excerpts