Your Two Choices

“Either you place God in control or you live in fear.  There are only two choices before you.  You can live in fear or you can live in perfect love.  You can walk after the flesh or you can walk in the Spirit.  You can live legalistically (in a way that gives too much attention to legal rules and details) or find your only resource in grace.

When you get right down to it, at the heart of every fear is the presupposition that God is not present, not in control, and not sufficient.  This is a contradiction of who God is and how He designed you to live.  You are no more designed to live in flesh and fear than Adam was, and your Heavenly Father has made provision for the fears that plague you.

Our challenge is clear: If we cling to our fears, we declare to ourselves and all who observe our lives that God is neither sufficient nor worthy.  We must live in perfect love and let perfect love be reflected in our lives.  This is the only real choice we have as people whose hearts desire to please our Father.  This is the only real choice that will bring freedom from fear.

Whether your fears are for today, tomorrow, the kids, your job, your health, emotional strength, mental well-being, spiritual courage, acceptance with others, or confidence in your life, “Perfect love casts out fear.” 1 John 4:18

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” – Isaiah 41:10

40 Days To Freedom – Totally Transformed In Christ,

Some Men In Relationship

What a real man should bring to the relationship!
A woman’s expectation of wanting a “soul-connected, conscious, man who unconditionally loves and adores her,” is not unrealistic. It’s what a real man should bring to the relationship.
But men, in general, have failed. We haven’t gone within and made the shift from our ego-self to our heart. It’s been about us, and what we can get without really giving up our self-centeredness. We haven’t done the inner work. We’ve been more concerned about what pleases our eye than what satisfies our soul.
And we certainly haven’t treated women as our softer equal. We’ve been too busy pretending that we have all the answers to realize that women have a far greater understanding of love and life than we’ll ever have.
For a man to evolve and become all he is meant to be, he must love a woman with all of his being. But not just any woman – only the one who calls to the deepest recesses of his soul. There, in the merging of the two, she awakens his masculinity to receive the beauty of her feminine.
For it is through intimacy with her that he learns to surrender and become vulnerable.
It is by understanding her ways that he comes to know the mystery of his own heart. It is by sharing love with her that he discovers how to love the world.
When a man loves a woman, really loves her, he gives unconditionally from the abundance in his own soul – and in the process, unlocks the floodgates to the river of love that pour out to him from within the woman’s heart.
Women deserve so much better. It’s time for a new breed of the masculine to rise up and take a stand. It’s time to show the world what a real, awakened man is. It’s time to return to love.
~ Daniel Nielsen (posted on August 14 2016)

Men And Women Are Unique

“There are so many strong historical facts that prove the beauty, the grandeur, the spirituality, the height of the love of a woman.  Man has failed, but the woman has not failed.

I would like both to become an organic whole, remaining at the same time absolutely free.  Because love never creates bondage, it gives freedom.  Then we can create a better world.  Half of the world has been denied its contribution, and that half, the women, had an immense capacity to contribute to the world.  It would have made it a beautiful paradise.

So I don’t ask that they should be equal, that they should wear the same clothes, that they should behave like men, or use vulgar language because the man uses it.

The woman should search into her own soul for her own potential and develop it, and she will have a beautiful future.

Men and women are neither equal nor unequal, they are unique.  And the meeting of two unique beings brings something miraculous into existence.

Eastern Philosophy: Wu-Wei – 5 Min. Video

Wu Wei is a key concept within Daoism – and refers to a serene acceptance of events. It’s a wisdom of letting things happen and going with the flow of life.  Wu Wei is quite literally aligning our actions with nature and not forcing anything and acting when it’s suitable.

Flow State Where Your Actions Become Effortless

“All that is great in life happens; it can’t be done. And all that can be done remains mundane, ordinary, mediocre. ‘Happiness’ and ‘happening’ are derived from the same root, and it is significant. It means that happiness is a happening.

It is not a question of doing it, forcing it, coercing it. It is more a question of becoming available to it, allowing it, being in a let-go. And in the same way love happens. You cannot do love – it happens! And in the same way beauty, in the same way … grace, in the same way … meditation, and in the same way … finally, godliness.

So learn more and more how not to interfere.

The greatest art in life is the art of non-interference. Lao Tzu called it wu wei: action without action, doing something without doing it. And my whole work consists of wu wei.” Osho, The Sacred Yes, Talk #25

“Wu wei is about aligning your actions with nature and the things happening around us. It’s not about giving up on life, being lazy, or waiting for things to go our way. Instead, it’s about developing patience and awareness of the present moment.  The phrase wu wei means that all our actions should flow in harmony with nature and with the things happening around us. Instead of fighting against life events, we should try to flow with them, incorporate them into our lives, and align our actions to meet with them.


  1. Smell the Roses. First, you need to start by completely unplugging. Leave your laptop at home or on your desk, turn your phone off and leave it in a drawer. It’ll still be there when you get back, I promise. Then go for a walk and pay attention to the sights and sounds going on around you. You might have a bunch of thoughts that keep distracting you or pulling at your attention. That is totally normal. Just refocus your attention on the present moment. The more you do this, the easier it will become to have that ‘present moment awareness.’

  2. Pay attention to a friend who is talking to you. This is both a practice in patience and mindfulness. Instead of thinking of how to change the subject or respond to their comment, try listening to them completely. See if you can understand and repeat their point back to them completely.

  3. Painting, drawing, and coloring are all great ways to practice Wu Wei, especially getting into that natural Flow state where your actions become effortless.”