The State of Allowing

quotes-article-15“Over time, your appreciation for the question will become equivalent to your appreciation for the answer, and your appreciation for the problem will become equivalent to your appreciation for the solution. And in your new found ease with what-is, you will find yourself in the state of allowing what you truly desire. And then, all manner of cooperative components will reveal themselves to you in a delicious co-creative dance of Deliberate Creation.”

– Abraham –  Excerpted from: Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide on November 01, 2010


The Reason You Feel Good or Bad

th-38“A belief that the behavior of others must be controlled—so that your observation of that good behavior will make you feel good—leaves you feeling vulnerable to their behavior.

We would like to help you to understand that neither the good feeling you find when you observe wanted behavior, nor the bad feeling you find when you observe unwanted behavior, is actually the reason that you feel good or bad. The way you feel is only ever about your alignment, or misalignment, with the Source within you. It is only your relationship with the Source within you (with your own Inner Being) that is the reason for the emotions that you feel.

While it is nice to find things in your physical environment that enhance your good-feeling alignment with your Inner Being, your understanding of why you feel good will make it possible for you to feel good regardless of the behavior of others.

Understanding that the way you feel is really about your Vibrational relationship with your Inner Beingwith the Source within you, with the expanded version of you who resides inside your Vortex—gives you complete empowerment and absolute freedom.”


Excerpted from: Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide on November 01, 2010


The Only Option

manifest“For me, there is no other option, other than love. As far as I’m concerned, this is all going to unfold far more miraculously than anyone can ever envision. That doesn’t mean that there isn’t going to be pain. It doesn’t mean that there isn’t going to be growth. It doesn’t mean that there might not be changes and surprises. But what it means is that love is going to lead each of us through this journey when love is our only option. That is my invitation to you, ‘Love is your only option.’ Let your heart be the first place you spread that message.”  Matt Kahn  10-16

Manifesting the Highest Possibility

quotesarticle5_1“If you want to manifest the highest possibility for yourself and the World, love your heart on a daily basis. That will cultivate wholeness within you. That becomes the energy and magnetism that brings whole individuals together to manifest the most positive external changes in ourselves and in our World.”

Matt Kahn  10-16

How You Are Refusing to Receive

“Complaining about anything holds you in the place of refusing to receive the things you’ve been asking for. Justifying about anything holds you in the place of refusing to let in the very things that you’ve been asking for. Blaming someone holds you in the place of refusing to let in the things that you’ve been asking for. Feeling guilty, feeling angry, it doesn’t matter what you call it; it is a refusal, not a conscious one. You’re asking; you can’t help but ask. The Universe is yielding; it must yield.

It’s a big question, folks: why aren’t you letting it in?”

Abraham Hicks – 3/10/01


Matt Kahn’s “How to Heal the World”

heal-ourselves-heal-earth“People are coming together and bringing all of their fragments into the coming together. The spiritual journey (from the inside out) starts as an individual journey. I or you declare that we are going to love our hearts each day more than we ever have before (not trying to make too lofty an intention). We intend, ‘May I love myself more not less.’ Every time I love myself, I’m loving all hearts. As all the pieces start to come together and as love resolves all conflicts and heals all wounds inside of us, that wholeness within us and the bringing together all of the aspects of self starts to magnetically bring to us all other whole beings who are whole themselves. When whole beings manifest whole beings, now we are ready to start doing things on a community level to manifest greater change. But we can’t come together when we are individually fragmented. We have to heal and come together in love. As we come into love, we are drawn toward those who we can align with and create that kind of progress. So we have to do this work from the inside out.”  10/16

Pleiadian Meditation on December 25, 2016 from Barbara Marciniak

A few short comments here with the full audio below:

Journey with this audio channeling, having a descriptive meditation, to an energizing forest refuge. Gradually, you are lead into the realms of expanded consciousness and the solar system’s movement through space that is adjusting human consciousness. Barbara Marciniak’s channeling of this safe, loving Pleiadian energy meditation is called, “Enhancing Cosmic Consciousness.”

We are moving into the Age of Aquarius with a dimensional shift.  (More like the Atlantian times.)  The Pleiadians interbred with us in the past and it has changed our genetics, our DNA.  Earth has been considered a genetic laboratory.  You are part of this Pleiadian family of Light.