You Are Extensions Of Source Energy

“You are extensions of Source Energy. And when you allow that pure Source Energy to flow through you, you are so bright and beautiful; your timing is good; and you feel vital and alive in your body. And as others see you, they wonder what your magic is. But it only seems like magic because it is experienced by so few. It isn’t magic. It is available to everyone. But you must allow your alignment.”

Abraham-Hicks, 3/8/14

The Purpose Of Life – Matt Kahn

“The purpose of life is to embrace the process. With no attachment to how things come or where it all goes, you provide an open space for the Universe to move you forward in the most miraculous and divinely-inspired way. In the end, it doesn’t actually matter where you went or what happened, but whether you were consciously guided by the light of your soul, instead of sleepwalking in ego. In order to make such a profound shift from victimhood to victory, the importance of self-love must be embraced. Whatever arises, love that. This is the heart of surrender.”
– Matt Kahn

The Greatest Teachers in the Classroom of Life

“Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself. — Chinese proverb

This has always been a statement that resonated with me. It was the quote I left in my grade 12 yearbook. Back then I only knew of learning in a classroom; I had yet to become aware of how one can be schooled by life.

In more recent years, I have come to realize the lessons that we learn over the course of a lifetime, and have become more open to the teachings of my body and my life. Trying to cultivate a practice in which I have coaches and mentors, but become my own expert. Developing the processes and the patience to listen to the wisdom of my own soul, rather than simply looking to others for answers.

Some of the greatest teachers of all can be found in what we are shown in three areas of ourselves:

  1. The things that we gravitate toward. These things represent our wisdom. They may be our gifts that we are to bring forth into the world. They may also show us some part of ourselves that we need to heal. That being the case, if you tune in to the types of people that you are drawn to help, and turn the method of helping them that you are most drawn to use into a tool for yourself, you have accessed a way to help yourself — if you are willing to acknowledge that need within. I think most of us who find ourselves in a healing profession start from that inner need — whether we initially know it or choose to acknowledge it. Sometimes it is our wounds that reveal our greatest gifts, as the things to heal and the way to serve become intertwined as we find our way through.

2.The things that trigger us. These are the things that are unresolved. Whether it be a trauma that you have not fully processed, a situation that remains at loose ends, forgiveness that has not been granted, an unmet emotional need, a part of yourself with which you are at odds, or a belief that no longer serves you — these are the things that are in a purgatory of sorts. We can usually ignore them for a while by being ‘busy’, or they may stay dormant for a while when times are good, but they hang around and repeatedly show themselves until such time as we are willing to see and feel them through.

3. The things that we avoid. These things represent our fear. They are whatever scenarios, people, or parts of ourselves that we are, on some level, convinced will be our complete undoing. It may be from a past experience in which we faced actual, mortal danger — or it may be fear of the removal of a mask, the taking down of a wall, or some other egoic dismantling that may invoke the fear. Whatever the perceived threat, these are the areas we resist the most.

The resistance of any one of these teachings may lead to some version of pain, dis-ease, or general discord within the body or life’s experience. These are the classrooms within ourselves that we all must visit at some point on a healing journey. Sometimes they are places that we haven’t visited for a long time, or possibly ever. We may have to ask the teacher’s forgiveness for our absence — that is forgiveness that we must grant ourselves. But, if we return to the classroom with ease and humility (versus kicking and screaming!), healing is possible, and it is never too late.”

By Shannon Stoby on

Karma – The Law Of One

34.4 Questioner: Thank you. Would you define karma?

Ra: I am Ra. Our understanding of karma is that which may be called inertia. Those actions which are put into motion will continue using the ways of balancing until such time as the controlling or higher principle which you may liken unto your braking or stopping is invoked. This stoppage of the inertia of action may be called forgiveness. These two concepts are inseparable.

18.12 Questioner: You stated yesterday that forgiveness is the eradicator of karma. I am assuming that balanced forgiveness for the full eradication of karma would require forgiveness not only of other-selves but forgiveness of self. Am I correct?

Ra: I am Ra. You are correct. We will briefly expand upon this understanding in order to clarify.

Forgiveness of other-self is forgiveness of self. An understanding of this insists upon full forgiveness upon the conscious level of self and other-self, for they are one. A full forgiveness is thus impossible without the inclusion of self.”


Need Some Healing Light? – John Holland

“Every evening for many years, I continue with this little ritual that I’d like to share. Although it’s quite simple, I find it’s really powerful to have an intended thought powered by light. The simple act of lighting a candle every night for me reminds me that all thought has power, and keeping a candle lit safely for a while helps me to send and keep positive thoughts on a desired intention.

Candles have been used since the dawn of time for meditations, blessings, spiritual and religious ceremonies, healings, prayers, celebrations, abundance, psychic development, to feel comforted and protected, to hold the memory of a loved one, and yes … even romance! The uses are endless.

Many people choose candles by scent, some choose by color, while others are simply fine with a plain candle, or even a tea light in a votive purchased from a dollar store. You don’t have to spend a lot of money. No matter what you choose, it’s the positive use of the candle that makes it special.

Every day people use candles in a positive way without even knowing it. Ask yourself: “How many times have you blown out a candle on a birthday cake?” What you’re actually doing is that when you close your eyes to make a wish (holding that special thought) and then blowing out the candle, is that you’re actually sending off the wish while bringing your desires to light.

When my mom was ill, every night I would light a white candle and would take a moment to focus on my mom, and I’d use the energy of light to send her healing and peace. It was a reminder to place a positive thought on her health as opposed to envisioning her being sickly. I’m not sure if it was the candle, the light, prayers, or the thoughts, but she did have many good days before she passed.

I find that candles keep me connected to my soul and to the Divine, as a special reminder that we’re never alone. That’s why if I can, no matter whether I’m demonstrating mediumship, I’ll always have a candle burning to remind me that Spirit is there!

JOHN’S TIPS on the Power of Intention

If you’ve never used candles for the power of intention, how about trying it for a week or two? Maybe it will become an every day ritual for the rest of your life that you’ll enjoy, and hopefully enjoy the benefits.

Many people start off by using a specific color: White for Spirit or protection, red for strength, pink for romance, and green for abundance. It doesn’t really matter what color you choose as long as it has a special meaning for you.

If you’ve never used a candle for meditation, then I encourage you to try it. By focusing on a candle flame, it can take you deep within yourself. If your mind begins to wander, then simply focus once again on the flame to bring you back to your meditation.

It is said that, “Some people are drawn to light, while others emanate it.” If you know someone who could use healing and light in their life right now, light a candle for them as you send them your thoughts.

Light can illuminate even the darkest of places or situations, so give it a try and keep the faith and know, not just how powerful light and positive intention is, but how magnificent and special you truly are!

Live a Soulfilled life!