Author: mysticheartsong
Be In Peace With Self
Love Without Condition
Releasing Attachments
“From a young age, we are taught that letting go is a sign of weakness or failure. But what if the opposite is true? What if letting go is actually a sign of strength, courage, and wisdom? Recent studies in psychology and neuroscience have shed light on the power of letting go. Researchers at Stanford University found that individuals who practiced letting go, experience less stress, improved mental health, and greater life satisfaction. They also uncovered that the act of letting go activates the prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain responsible for decision-making and emotional regulation.
This research suggests that letting go is a skill that can be learned and cultivated. It is not about erasing memories or pretending that the past did not happen. It is about choosing to release the emotional charge associated with those experiences. It involves creating space for growth, healing, and new possibilities.
‘Letting go’ is a lifelong habit to develop; it is not a destination to reach. It requires patience, practice, and a willingness to step outside your comfort zone. But the rewards are immeasurable.
When you learn to let go, you open yourself up to a world of possibilities. You become more resilient, adaptable, and free. You create space for joy, love, and abundance to flow into your life.
‘Letting go’ is a concept that can improve your life, yet it is many that struggle to fully grasp and implement. As you set off on this journey of personal growth and self-discovery it is essential to understand the profound impact that releasing attachments can have on your psychological and emotional well-being.”
When You Experience Trauma
“We would say that when you experience trauma in this life you accumulate biases. Because this occurs, there is virtually no place to store the light.
We would recommend creating space, creating an opening, for more light to pour in from the greater self that you are. To do this, it is easiest to make a practice. You can do this with a visualization. You can do this through any type of artistic endeavor. You can do this through song. You can do this through writing. The focus is creating a space.
Your lives there keep your mental processes busy almost all of your waking hours. Because of this, there is no room for much else.
When you create a practice to make space you leave an opening for the things you want to pour in. This includes the feeling states you wish to hold.
And so, we encourage you to choose the method you enjoy most and create a space, a void, in your daily lives, and watch how your emotional state changes. Watch how your life transforms.
For some of you it could happen very quickly. For others, it may take a little time. We also recommend noticing – perhaps even writing down – the positive changes you see reflected after creating this opening in your lives.”
My Revenge Is To Love Myself
Challenges Are Simply Opportunities
Facing Challenges
“When faced with challenges in life, people often experience feelings of fear or frustration, which can cause a lack of motivation or stress. Yet, by moving through these situations and not allowing certain moments to determine your future, you can begin to build resilience.
Having resilience means coping with problems as they arise, and positive thinking can significantly help during these life issues, according to Skills you Need. A 2009 study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that positive emotions buffer resilient people from depression and fuel their flourishing in the aftermath of crisis.
Why not try it for yourself?
Next time you are in a challenging situation, try to see how you can overcome the problem rather than give up.
Can you see the light at the end of the tunnel or the silver lining? Then remember how you felt after this situation and carry this with you through life as a way of coping with stressful situations.”, Allison Michelle Dienstman
There Is A Pervasive Belief
There is a pervasive belief that you will be tested in order for God to determine your worthiness. The idea that you are being tested implies that there is judgment – that you will either pass or fail.
Dear Ones, there is no judgment towards you from the higher realms, only pure acceptance and unconditional love. We celebrate you exactly as you are. There is never, ever a time when you are not worthy or good enough or that you have to do anything to gain our approval.
The things you perceive as being tests are not to prove anything to anyone but yourselves. Your challenges are opportunities for you to discover your own strength, courage, and ability to love. They always offer expansion in order for you to know yourself in deeper and more profound ways. They are gifts for you to fully experience in new ways the depth of your faith, trust, and divine capability.
Further, they are never put upon you, but rather choices your soul makes in order to grow and to know yourself better. They allow you to experience the depth of your soul and your incredible capacity for expansion, and through that expansion, the universe also expands. You are always loved, supported, and encouraged through such times that serve to open you up to a more profound understanding of self and new levels of attainment, which will only serve both you and the whole., Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young