Author: mysticheartsong
Ascended Masters
Ascended masters are spiritually enlightened beings who are believed to have been human in past lives. They are part of the Great White Brotherhood, which also includes Elohim and Archangels. In Christianity, many people believe Jesus is an ascended master.
“The Ascended Masters have been here since the beginning of civilization. Humanity’s modern form originated 18 million years ago. The Ascended Masters are born directly from specific Elohim and play key roles in propelling human and planetary ascension forward.
Ascended Masters are not part of the normal evolutionary cycle of souls. They are direct projections from higher-dimensional Elohim
(starting from the 7th dimension and above). The Purpose of the Ascended Masters is they are inserted into reality like wild cards—not bound by evolutionary cycles, but instead acting as: Catalysts for higher consciousness, Spiritual teachers & system architects, and Guides for civilizations, ensuring evolution continues.
Ascended Masters don’t evolve like normal souls—
they are pre-formed divine beings. They are not here to learn, but to accelerate humanity’s evolution by raising collective consciousness. They do not accumulate karma and are not bound by the laws of cause and effect.
Ascended Masters create an energy construct or merkabah to maintain their high frequency while incarnate.
Their merkabah is an energetic spacecraft which is a self-built frequency bubble. It lets them maintain a higher intuitive functionality even in a low-frequency physical reality.
They serve as spiritual architects, teachers, and guides across civilizations. They are not bound by karma and operate purely from divine cause. Many have male & female aspects (e.g., Jesus & Mary Magdalene, Babaji & Mataji). Saint Germain & Babaji are two of the most powerful Ascended Masters still influencing Earth today.
What Are Light Codes?
Light Codes are a manifestation of higher vibrational energies and information that are anchored into our third-dimensional Earth experience. They are a co-creation between a conduit (you) and high dimensional energies and spirit. Light codes automatically upgrade your abilities.
Light codes are capsules out of time and space reality containing untapped information and potential. Once the light codes are activated, your whole system reboots and taps into a higher octave of light. Those codes are stored in a so-called junk part of the DNA. And they’re there waiting to elevate humankind into a more expanded level of consciousness.
“Higher vibration natural light codes are beamed to you to awaken your dormant DNA and activate and accelerate your ascension. They are felt at your heart and seen and heard as light language, extra-terrestrial codes of consciousness, diamond light, angelic light, and in many other forms. They appear as patterns of energy, sacred geometries, colors, multidimensional light and sound waves, light patterns, and frequencies of information.”
Activate Your Light Codes
“In the video below, I talk about the different ways that light codes get activated together with examples.”
Using Healing Grace For Yourself
“God has given us the gift of the grace of healing to use for ourselves. So why wouldn’t we use it? When I see someone using healing grace for themselves, it looks like a wave coming from the whole of the body — from the toes to the top of the head, it flows out to about one foot away from the body. And then like a wave breaking, turns back and fills the whole body it has come from. When it re-enters the body, I see it flowing like a river, like a line of gold toward the part of the body that needs help.
Let it fill you up like a wave of peace. It sounds complicated, but in fact, it’s quite simple, and many people do it instinctively. Try and become more conscious of using healing grace for yourself and get into the habit of using it no matter how trivial the hurt, emotional or physical, may seem. Remember, there is an abundance of healing grace; using it for yourself does not mean there is less for someone else.
Too often we lack compassion for ourselves and are very judgmental. I meet many people who hate themselves physically; they won’t allow themselves to see the beauty of their bodies. Whether we believe it or not, we are all perfect. What you perceive as faults are not faults. They are a part of the unique being that is you.
Get into the habit every day of taking ten seconds to acknowledge the healing grace within yourself and feel its power at work within you. Your guardian angel will help, too. Ask to become more conscious of the power of the grace of healing within you so that you will allow it to flow through you for the healing you need.”
A Message Of Hope From The Angels, Lorna Byrne, pgs.66 – 67.
What Is “Love”??
Clif High is an author who writes about health, fitness, and dieting. His work is available on Amazon. Below he explains the seven forms of human love with an emphasis on how men can develop ‘Romantic Love.’
“1. Eros (Romantic Love): Eros is named after the Greek god of love and fertility, representing passion, desire, and physical attraction. It’s often the initial intense attraction that draws two people together, but it can also be fleeting or evolve into deeper forms of love. If Eros does not evolve, it dies.
2. Philia (Friendship Love): This type of love is based on mutual respect, shared experiences, and a genuine liking for each other’s company. It is commonly found among friends who share common values, interests, or activities. Philia is the base layer that binds the social order of families into an interconnected whole.
3. Storge (Familial Love): Storge is the love that exists between family members. It’s characterized by deep affection, a sense of duty, and a commitment to caring for one another. It’s often considered unconditional and persistent, enduring through many life changes. Storge is where sacrifice originates.
4. Agape (Unconditional Love): Agape is selfless love, similar to what some might call spiritual love. It is universal and altruistic, extending beyond personal attachments to encompass care for others regardless of reciprocity. This type of love is often associated with religious or spiritual beliefs about loving others as one’s self and seeking the good of others before one’s own. This association arises as Agape is a natural and expected result of most enlightenment experiences. As Rumi states “Love (Agape) is your bride to everything.”
5. Ludus (Playful Love): Ludus is flirtatious and playful, without the intensity of eros. It’s found in the early stages of a relationship, where teasing, jokes, and light-hearted interactions are common. It’s more about enjoyment and fun than deep emotional commitment. This is the cool and fun interaction between humans as ‘lovers’ that is just so annoying to others who don’t have it in their lives.
6. Pragma (Enduring Love): Pragma is practical love founded on reason or duty and one’s longer-term interests. It’s common in marriages or long-term partnerships where the couple works together to achieve their mutual goals, balancing practical daily life with maintaining affection over time. Pragma is the ‘bonding love’. It is the enduring, supportive Love that moves civilization to great achievement. Every ‘thing’ in your body’s Life experience comes from Pragma.
7. Philautia (Self Love): This type of love relates to self-esteem and self-worth, and it’s about taking care of and being kind to oneself. It’s considered necessary by many philosophers for being able to offer love to others, based on the idea that you cannot give what you do not have. All of YOUR body’s Life experience of Love grows from Philautia. If you can’t stand yourself, how can you expect her to love you?
The search for the experience of Love in this body’s Life is the most challenging aspect of the Life experience in this Matterium. For most men, it is easier to face death in combat than approach a woman who you would make into your Love interest.
So men, to become a successful ‘romantic’ work this list from the bottom up. First find something in yourself to love, that you love about you. Cultivate it, be practical about it, what does it offer to her? Be playful about expressing your self love to her. You are actually attempting to entice her mind to see that quality that you love about yourself. Love others, they have good stuff in them too, even when their lives are so mean, and suffering filled that they can’t even see their own qualities of value. Learn to Love your family, your wellspring, even if they are mostly buttheads. Be her friend. If you can’t be her friend, love her like a companion you want with you through time, then all you have is a sexual attraction which will fade quickly once satiated.
No mean, suffering, self-loathing man ever built anything worth having. Civilization comes only from the Romantic. Get wise to reality. It’s where you will spend this body’s Life.”