Author: mysticheartsong
Note To Self
“What is my purpose in life?” I asked the void.
“What if I told you that you fulfilled it when you took an extra hour to talk to that kid about his life?” said the voice.
“Or when you paid for that young couple in the restaurant? Or when you saved that dog in traffic? Or when you tied your father’s shoes for him?”
“Your problem is that you equate your purpose with goal-based achievement. The Universe isn’t interested in your achievements … just your heart. When you choose to act out of kindness, compassion, and love, you are already aligned with your true purpose.
No need to look any further!”
A NewspaperArticle, Lisa McKee FL Admin Assistant – Connecting Consciousness FL Light Crew, St. Augustine, Florida
Our Relationship To Ourselves
“God is father, and God is mother also. God has those two faces and a million more. Father God creates, protects, teaches, and empowers us. Mother God is the cosmic nurturer: she feeds us, cares for us, and holds us in her arms. Let’s not argue over petty issues. God is both male and female, Father and Mother.
And so are we. Beyond our gender, we are all just light. We are one with God, with each other, and ourselves. Sex falls away that we might find union of a higher order. Any other knowledge is peripheral vision and ultimately blindness. The last thing to trip up on is whether God is male or female. Call it either; call it both. All that matters is that we call it, period.
And when we do, our hearts do melt. Our rage transmutes. Our burdens are released. And that is our birth into who we really are. It’s messy and painful and noisy and big. But it’s all that matters and it’s all we’re here for, to chuck these stupid clothes we wear, of false ambition and pride and fear, and come out naked and beautiful and new.
The only beloved who can always be counted on is God. The ultimate partner is a divine one, an experience of ourselves that is totally supportive and forgiving. What this means is that no partner can save us, deliver us, or give meaning to our lives. The source of our salvation, deliverance, and meaning is within us. It is the love we give as much as it is the love we get. The passion we most need to feed is our relationship to God. This is ultimately our relationship to ourselves.”
A Woman’s Worth, Marianne Williamson, P. 83 – 84, 139.
The Key To Triumphing
“The key to triumphing in the battle for our freedom is to think, and live, beyond the old ideas of what it means to ‘win’ and ‘lose.’ To see life in such terms is precisely what keeps us stuck, struggling, and locked into perpetual conflict. The way we triumph is to elevate ourselves beyond the win/lose thinking by living our divinity in our everyday lives.
It is by loving fearlessly, forgiving without expectation, honoring our bodies with the highest form of nutrition available, and learning to trust the innate intelligence of our immune system (and other bodily systems) that we triumph over the oppression we see around us rather than attempting to win a battle by fighting against it. By celebrating our divinity and living as the best version of ourselves, we transcend the polarity of the good and evil to express what it means to be a pure human.
It’s through the access to our divine capabilities, such as imagination, intuition, empathy, forgiveness, and compassion, that we open the door to the fullest expression of our physical and spiritual healing and what it means to be human.”
Pure Human: The Hidden Truth of Our Divinity, Power, and Destiny, Gregg Braden, pgs. 9 – 10.
A Belief Away
What Is Love?
“In simplest terms, love is God sharing of Himself with all of His creations. Love is the healing force of the universe. Love is within the soul and needs only your allowance of those innate sensations of loving others and receiving their love for you. Love has no limitations, no boundaries to its capacity.
In expression, love is treating others with kindness, fairness, honesty, compassion, helpfulness, and caring. If love is said to have ‘ingredients,’ then those are some of the ingredients of godly expression in action.
Knowing that you and God and every one of God’s creations are inseparable is love. Knowing that Earth is a sentient, conscious life herself and respecting all of her life forms is love. Realizing that no one can know others at soul level and therefore does not judge them but rather does not condone an action seen as injurious, is love.
Feeling peace of heart and mind is love. The quiet thrill of seeing a sunset or hearing a songbird is love, and a smile is one of the simplest and most radiating expressions of love.
In any or all of these instances and many others that you may encounter that instinctively you know are love in action, you are manifesting your love for and of God.” ~ Matthew
Voices of the Universe: Your Voice Affects the Universe Let It Be With Love, Suzanne Ward, P. 1.