Author: mysticheartsong
There Is No One ‘Right’ Way To Grow
“There is no one ‘right’ way to grow. There are many paths to enlightenment and God. See what is beautiful in every person’s path, in every religion, and in every belief system. Honor other people’s paths even if they are different from yours.
Be inclusive and loving, and look beyond the form of people’s beliefs to the essence. There is no one right way: there is only the way that is right for you. There is something unique, perfect, and beautiful in every culture, in every system of belief. Look for what you have in common with others and accept and love those who are on different paths.
If you have been around people who wanted you to change a habit or do something differently, you know how their trying to get you to change made it harder to do. To create a desire to grow in others, share your enthusiasm about your life. Listen to people, draw them out, and find ways to assist them in loving themselves more. Grow yourself and become an example. Your great teachers, such as Buddha and Christ, came to earth to be examples of what you might become — a peaceful, loving, compassionate, and wise being.”
Spiritual Growth – Being Your Higher Self, Sanaya Roman. pgs. 198 – 199.
Experience The Miraculous
A Different Way Of Being
“Jesus used to say to his disciples, and not only once but many times, ‘If you have eyes – look!’ ‘If you have ears, then hear me!’ They had eyes just like you and they had ears just like you. Then Jesus must have meant something else – not these ears, not these eyes.
There is a different way of seeing the world and a different way of hearing – a different way of being. When you have that different quality of seeing, God is seen; when you have that different way of hearing, God is heard; and when you have that different quality of being, you become God yourself. As you are, you are deaf, dumb, blind – almost dead. Deaf to God, dumb to God, blind to God, dead to God.
Nietzsche has declared that God is dead. In fact, when you are dead, how can God be alive to you? God is dead because you are dead. You can know God only when you live abundantly, when your life becomes an overflowing, when it is a flood. In that overflowing of bliss, life and vitality, for the first time you know what God is, because God is the most luxurious overflowing phenomenon.
God is not a necessity in this world. Scientific laws are a necessity – without them the world cannot be. God is not a necessity that way. Without Him the world can be, but it will be worthless. Without Him you can exist, but your existence will just be a vegetable existence. Without Him you can vegetate, you cannot be really alive.
God is not a necessity – you can be there, but your being there will not be of any meaning, it will not carry any meaning at all. It will have no poetry, it will have no song, it will have no dance to it. It will not be a mystery. It may be an arithmetic, it may be a business, but it cannot be a love affair.
Without God all that is beautiful disappears, because the beautiful comes as an overflowing – it is a luxury. Watch a tree: if you have not watered it well, if the tree is not getting nourishment from the soil, the tree can exist but flowers will not come. Existence will be there, but futile! It would have been better not to be, because it will be a constant frustration. Flowers come to the tree only when the tree has so much that it can share, and the tree has so much nourishment that it can flower – flowering is a luxury! The tree has so much that it can afford it.
And I tell you that God is the most luxurious thing in the world. God is not necessary – you can live without Him. You can live very well, but you will miss something, you will feel an emptiness in the heart. You will be more like a wound than like an alive force. You will suffer; there cannot be any ecstacy in your life.”, Individual Osho Talk, A Different Way Of Being
Moments In Your Life
The More You Know Yourself
“THE UNDERSTANDING OF what you are, whatever it be – ugly or beautiful, wicked or mischievous – the understanding of what you are, without distortion, is the beginning of virtue. Virtue is essential, for it gives freedom.
The more you know yourself, the more clarity there is. Self-knowledge has no end – you don’t come to an achievement, you don’t come to a conclusion. It is an endless river.
And it seems to me that without this understanding, without this experience, merely to read books, to attend talks, to do propaganda, is so infantile – just an activity without much meaning.
To bring about a fundamental revolution in oneself, one must understand the whole process of one’s thought
and feeling in relationship to others.
If we can understand ourselves as we are from moment to moment without the process of accumulation of outward things, then we shall see how there comes a tranquillity that is not a product of the mind, a tranquillity that is neither imagined nor cultivated; and only in that state of tranquillity can there be creativeness.
If one is able to understand oneself, and thereby bring about that creative happiness, that experiencing of something that is not of the mind, then perhaps there can be a transformation in the immediate relationships about us, and so in the world in which we live.
In order to transform the world about us, with its misery, wars, unemployment, starvation, class divisions and utter confusion, there must be a transformation in ourselves. The revolution must begin within oneself.”
The First And Last Freedom, J. Krishnamurti, p. 158 – 9.
Six Important Guidelines In Life
The Time For Awakening Is Now
For decades, scientists referred to the majority of human DNA as “junk DNA” because they did not understand its function. However, we now know that this DNA contains great potential. By raising our vibration and frequency, we can unlock the hidden treasures in our junk DNA!
This dormant DNA contains the blueprints for our next stage of evolution. It allows us to access advanced states of consciousness and tap into psychic abilities. When we activate our full DNA potential, we reclaim our power as divine creators.
It’s possible that certain malevolent entities have encoded inhibitors into our DNA with the intention of slowing down the pace of human evolution. As we awaken to our true origins, we can override these inhibitors. in fact, meditation, spiritual practices, sound healing, and spending time in nature can all help raise our vibration. This allows more light and energy to flow through our DNA.
As each individual activates more of their DNA, it has ripple effects for
collective consciousness. We elevate the frequency of the entire planet.
The Golden Age awaits, just within reach. This age coincides with humanity awakening our Divine DNA. By unlocking hidden potentials, we can create heaven on Earth and achieve rapid evolution. The keys lie dormant within us, awaiting activation!
With each activation of these dormant keys within, we edge closer to the dawn of a new era, where humanity shines in its full potential.
With the unlocking of our latent potential encoded within our very being, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and collective enlightenment. As each individual awakens to their true essence, the collective consciousness of humanity rises to new heights, heralding the dawn of a harmonious existence where peace, love, and prosperity flourish abundantly.
Together, let’s create a world where rapid evolution and boundless possibilities await. The time for awakening is now!
Aurora Ray
We Are Like Nested Dolls With One Center
Have you ever seen Russian nesting dolls? There is a large container doll that has other similar dolls of smaller sizes with each one fitting inside the other.
A long time ago, Russian children learned to count with Russian nesting dolls, also known as matryoshkas. They’re dolls that hide inside each other. That’s where the name comes from — each one “nests” inside a larger doll.
Thinking of nesting dolls may be the key to understanding the hidden truths that lie beyond the veil of the three-dimensional world.
Billy Carson, an ancient history expert known for creating documentaries that help people look at the world in a different light, believes “we are living in a nested reality.” He continues, “This universe is just one of many in a multi-verse. And even within the multi-verse, universes can be nested!”
Suzanne Giesemann channeled, “Nested dolls. There can be no better analogy for your true nature than this.
You find yourself now in a very dense world, feeling quite separate from others. But what if the center of you is also the center of a soul, which is the center of an even higher being still? And what if the center of that Be-ing, which is not a person once you have gone higher beyond the dense physical world, is also the center of all others?
If you all share the same center, then you also share the same attributes of the field of creative intelligence from which all these nested dolls arise.
If you are feeling a bit closed in, cut off, or off balance, expand your awareness beyond your current viewpoint as ‘only human.’ Ask the question ‘What if I am …?’ of something beyond your greatest imagining.
Ask this often as you peel back the layers of dolls and find the center that is always and already here.
You are so very loved.”