Chains Of Associations

“Chains of associations are an unconscious series of associations that can lead a person to irrational and inaccurate conclusions, in a way where they may not even realize that they’re being irrational and inaccurate.

For example, let’s say that Tom has a friend, and normally Tom’s friend calls him every month. But the friend didn’t call Tom last month.

Then Tom’s chain of association might be: my friend hasn’t called last month. That’s because he doesn’t want to talk to me. He doesn’t want to talk to me because he doesn’t like me. In fact, he has never liked me. And he doesn’t like me because he thinks I’m an unlovable awful person. And in fact he’s right, I am an unlovable awful person.

So as you can see, chains of associations can be a series of wildly inaccurate, fear-based assumptions that can lead people to conclusions that may be completely irrational, unjustified, and fear-driven. Because perhaps the real reason why his friend hasn’t called is that the friend was just really busy, or something awful happened in the friend’s life and said friend is currently distracted.

You can imagine that the average person forms these chains of associations many times every single day and is frequently led astray by them.  It is important to notice how you feel.  What are you actually seeing and hearing with your ears and eyes? And what emotions and assumptions and thoughts are arising in response to that?  What are the actual observations or facts, and what are assumptions or projections?  Don’t just jump to conclusions — actually observe first.

The next time you see or hear something and you immediately feel some kind of fear or anxiety or anger or judgement, I invite you to take a moment to observe what is actually happening. Because it’s possible that some chain of association is tugging at you and is trying to drag you away to some unconscious, potentially unjustified, and perhaps fear-based conclusion.

So: just take a moment to observe.”, “Tunia: Chains of Associations”


Reach Out To Angels

“You were born with the God-given right to reach out to Angels whenever you need them.  If you’ve struggled with your physical or emotional health, they’ve been your witness.  Angels want to help ease our minds, rebuild our spirits and souls, and heal our bodies.

They want to guide us in our most purposeful direction.  Since humankind began, Angels have existed to help us adapt and survive here on earth.

When our souls arrive here on earth, we can decide to play a certain role and not stray from that … or we can use our free will to write our own part.  Everything is not already written.  Everything hasn’t all happened already.

We all have the option to break out of the mold.  We have a say in our destiny.

The Angels are here to help guide us in our decision-making, to make the most of our free will.  They’re here to intercept trouble and present opportunity.  They’re here to help us see the light, guide us, and pull us out of the darkness.  However, you need to envision or interpret the Angels, whether as light beings or animals or another type of creature unique to your inner vision, they will take that form to help you.  Angels don’t exist to fulfill our every wish and desire.  They’re here to help us do God’s work, whether that’s healing ourselves from illness, reclaiming our souls, or helping others in need.

They’ve been doing it for millennia. 

Here’s the secret: you have to know the right angels to ask. (There is one each for Mercy, Faith, Trust, Healing, Restitution, Deliverance, Sun/Light/Water/Air, Purity, Fertility, Birth, Peace, Beauty, Purpose, Knowledge, Wisdom, Awareness, Dreams,  Relationships, and powerful Unknown Angels.) You have to know the right way to ask. (You have to ask for their help aloud.) You have to have faith, you have to be open, and you have to work with them by asking a certain Angel aloud for help, remembering that Angels have free will.

You can access the Angelic Realm in this way anywhere, and at any time, as long as you’re sufficiently focused on what you’re calling for and truly open to receiving help and have faith that it will work.  (And if you’re short on Faith, you may want to make the Angel of Fatih your first call.)”

Secrets Behind Chronic And Mystery Illness And How To Finally Heal – Medical Medium, Anthony William, pgs. 329 – 336.

The Presence Of Angels

“The presence of Angels in human life has been well documented since the early days of our human civilization.  From ancient stories in sacred texts to modern personal encounters, Angels have been shaping the lives of millions of people throughout our history on this planet.

Angels, or Angelic Beings, are non-physical entities whose energy vibrates at frequencies much higher than our physical bodies and the physical world around us. Although frequently associated with the main religious world faiths, Angels are non-denominational Beings, and their presence, guidance, and unconditional love, are accessible to all human beings equally.

Angels can be found everywhere in the Universe, and there is definitely no shortage of them.  Angelic Beings are constantly created by the same all-encompassing energy Source that supports us humans and all of the creations in the Universe.  People refer to this Divine energy source as God, the Divine, All That Is, the Universe, the Creator, etc.  Therefore, the Angels, and us, share a Divine connection at a deep level.

Why do Angels exist?  Why do humans exist? These are difficult questions to answer, but one thing is clear: Angels are a natural aspect of our human Divine connection.  All of the different categories of Angelic Beings, such as Archangels, Guardian Angels, Healing Angels, etc. have a common denominator of interacting with us humans by communication.

Angels are one of the main communication channels by which the Divine sends its messages to us.  Angelic Beings are Divine messengers par excellence.   Angels act like ‘communication bridges,’ or ‘divine ‘postmen’ carrying and delivering messages and prayers between the pure energy of the Divine and our human experience on the physical plane.

Whether you feel their presence or not, Angels are all around you and everyone at all times, including right now as you read these words.  They are here with us to assist us in our physical experience on Earth, what we call life.  The Angels’ intention for each of us is that we live a joyful, healthy, loving, and meaningful life.”

Are Your Angels Talking To You?, Diego Berman, PhD, Introduction.

Forgiveness Can Be Very Powerful

“Forgiveness can be very powerful, depending who is doing the forgiving and to whom.

But there’s a central point to our focus in forgiveness that entails the forgiveness of us, the forgiver, ourselves.
The truth is, until you master the forgiveness of your own self, you cannot forgive anyone else in any meaningful way. Sometimes forgiveness is about tolerance and reconciliation but also the fact that lessons have to be learned otherwise nothing transcendental is accomplished on the spiritual journey.
Forgiveness does not require forgetfulness for the lessons to be learned. It requires that we remember the lessons involved.  It is a realization that beyond the experience … is our willingness to take full responsibility and to forgive ourselves for being entangled or involved with the illusion in the first place.
We have to forgive ourselves because to forgive others requires a true evaluation of ourselves … in relation to existence.  We realize that others are simply an external reflection of ourselves. We are all one. As we forgive ourselves, we automatically include the others who are nothing but our own external extension of our very Soul.”

Numerology Is A Fascinating Subject

“Scholars have traced numerology to Egypt, India, Rome, Greece, and China.  Believed to be over 10,000 years old, numerology seems to have begun its development at about the same time as mathematics.  It is referred to in the Old Testament, St. John’s Revelations in the New Testament, and the Hebrew Kabbala.  Numbers predate even the most basic science and philosophy.

Each number has a greater meaning and a ruling planet.  One stands as the leader with the guiding personality of the Sun.  Number two sways and vacillates trying to have it both ways with the Moon’s duality.  Three is versatile with the creativity of its ruling planet, Jupiter.  Number four worries and wants to take life slowly with its positive Uranus energies.  Five is energetic with Mercury’s influences.  Six wants to love and be romantic like its ruling planet Venus.  Seven is under Neptune’s influences of inner and intellectual searching.  Eight knows both feast and famine with Saturn feeling the most and least of life’s destinies. Number nine is humanitarian with the fighting spirit of Mars.  Eleven and twenty-two won’t be reduced or separated in their powerful energies since 1 is not added to 1 nor is 2 ever added to 2.  Both stay as 11 and 22 with their special and important 2-digit meanings.

To calculate your Personal Year Number, add together the numbers in your year of birth.  For example: 1976 adds to 1+9+7+6 = 17 + 6 = 23 = 5 for the answer of 5. The number of your name comes by adding each letter using this chart.  So that Jonothan Citizen becomes

(1+6+5+6+2+8+1+5)   +    (3+9+2+9+8+5+5)

( = 34,  3 + 4  = 7)  (= 41, 4 + 1 = 5)  So  7 + 5 =12 = 3

Jonothan Citizen has a Name Number of 3. The given name that you are best known by is used when adding the numbers in it.  Look on the internet for the full meaning of your resulting number.

With the calculation of your personal numbers, there are ways to know your  destiny number, your birth-path number, your zodiac digit, and name numbers thus acquiring many insights into your personal characteristics. Friends and family will delight in learning more about numerology for its possible personal guidance and great entertainment value!”

Numerology A Mystical Magical Guide – Reveal Your True Personality And Discover Your Destiny Through The Power Of Numbers, Hazel Whitaker, pgs. 6 – 36.