Previewing Your Earthly Life

“Before you immersed yourself into 3-D living, you had the ability to preview the parameters of earthly life, to oversee the aspects of your own plan, purpose, and intent within a specific climate of consciousness.

You choose the moment and the time of your birth, as well as your genealogical bloodline, which is rich with an ancestral encoding of perceptions based on many lessons in living.

In the here and now, you forget your plans in order to play your version of the game of life more effectively.

You immerse yourself in your identity and become fully engaged in the process of exploring and experiencing the path you have chosen.

The course of your life is a significant and purposeful journey that continuously confronts and stimulates you to develop your abilities. You actually learn about the nature of existence as you learn how to operate your biological form… You.”

To fully contribute to this transformation in your own unique fashion, you selected an identity based on the numerous talents and abilities you have accumulated from experiences in many directions of time.

You inserted yourself with great care into your chosen life. Deciding to be here is an achievement in itself; however, understanding what is unfolding around you is an even greater accomplishment.

First of all, you must clearly love and accept yourself for who you are, and this is no small task.  When you can lovingly recognize yourself as your own creation, you free yourself from the mass-induced trance of powerless living. You must live your life with clear boundaries and distinctions, applying great discernment and discrimination of mind to all you encounter.  In addition, you must honestly and openly express your feelings and emphasize your own self-worth as you learn to develop a true love for who you are.

Billions of people have come here to play a part in this great drama — to recognize and remember that they are energetic beings whose thoughts, feelings, and emotions create the world they meet. 

Consciously learning to recognize frequencies and then producing those you want is an underlying key to the game; being able to read and communicate with the life energies of your environment is a worthy goal for all humanity.”

Path Of Empowerment: New Pleiadian Wisdom For A World In Chaos, Barbara Marciniak, p. 16 – 18.

To Stand Up For Justice And Peace

“To stand up for justice and peace, then, you must first find peace within yourself.  You must then demonstrate peace to others, which means you can’t make a stand for peace or ‘be peace’ while you’re warring with your neighbor, hating your coworker, or judging your boss.

If everybody (and I mean every body) chose peace, and if we came together at the exact same time, imagine the type of positive change we could create in our collective future.  There would be no conflict.  What’s equally powerful is that when we are the living embodiment of peace, we show up as unpredictable to others and then they pay attention.

We are biologically wired to mimic each other’s behavior.  Modeling peace, justice, love, kindness, care, understanding, and compassion allows others to open their hearts and move from fearful, aggressive states of survival to feeling wholeness and connectedness.  Think of what would happen if we all understood how interconnected we were to one another and to the (invisible quantum) field, rather than feeling separated and isolated.

We might actually begin to take responsibility for our thoughts and emotions because we would finally understand how our state of being affects all life.  This is how we begin to change the world — by first changing ourselves.

I believe we are on the verge of a great evolutionary jump.  Another way to say it is that we are going through an initiation.  After all, isn’t an initiation a rite of passage from one level of consciousness to another, and isn’t it designed to challenge the fabric of who we are so we can grow to a greater potential?

Maybe when we see, remember, and awaken to who we truly are, human beings can move as a collective consciousness from a state of surviving into a state of thriving.  It’s then that we can emerge into our true nature and fully access our innate capacity as human beings — which is to give, to love, to serve, and to take care of one another and the Earth.”

Becoming Supernatural – How Common People Are Doing The Uncommon, Dr. Joe Dispenza, pgs. 321-322.

Support Those Who Are Around You

“It is greatly helpful to be able to have advanced mindsets, but as we say, when you are still supporting humanity you can easily be traumatized by still seeing and observing humanity’s choices, and when you’re constantly working diligently to raise your frequency vibrations and spread love and joy, and you are still noticing people refusing to grow, refusing to step up and refusing to help themselves.

They are not doing it to be in spite of you, they’re doing the best that they can and they think and have assumptions that they’re right and that their routines and behaviors are how a good normal human being must and shall always be.  And you know the difference between how humanity was supposed to be and how humanity was supposed to evolve.  And you know the shortcomings, if you wanted to label them as such now.

We are saying that many people who are advanced in their perspective still need a Soul family.  Still need friends.  Still need to communicate and share their journeys with each other.

These experiences are potential tools for you to be able to gain more respect, tolerance, and perspectives to support those who are around you that are at a denser vibration.”

Now That You Have Awakened, Conversations With Heaven On Earth, pgs. 241 – 242.

To Find Your Soulmate

“All of you women want your soulmates, eh?  You want the perfect lover, someone who can see you fat and ugly and still love you, someone to take care of you, to be there, to provide for you, to give you freedom.  Well, I have something to tell you.  There is no man on this plane at this hour who has reached godhood or knighthood to be that brave, that noble, that powerful, and that unconditionally loving.  They’re in the same boat that you are, because they’re looking for someone, just like you are — except you’re not filling their bill any more than they are filling yours.

You came here wanting me to send you Mr. Wonderful?  I won’t do that.  I want to show you Mrs. Wonderful.

Now, I love you, but you are still wanting someone outside of you to fill up something you don’t own inside.  You are leaking!  You have emotional holes, and you are leaking all over the place!  The more bizarre you are the more leaky you are.  That is a great truth.  You are trying to snatch someone to fill up what you don’t have in here.  That’s why your relationships don’t work out.  You will never find what you are looking for because it doesn’t exist.

You know, the blush is going to come off the rose very quickly once you get a wrinkle or two, once you begin to sleep around for a while and wake up to reality.  The fantasy will begin to diminish.  Because you are looking for something to fill a vacuum of polarization.  You will only grow old and show all of those age signs.  You will be bent with age, and your fingers will not work properly.  And no one will look at you then.

Now, men!  What are you looking for? Are you looking for someone to balance out your madness, your brilliance?  Are you looking for someone to take care of you?  You are also looking for someone to fill the emotional holes that you are riddled with.  As long as you have limited beliefs and limited minds, you’re going to grow old, you’re going to become impotent, you’re going to have gnarled fingers and hair streaked with gray — and you are going to die.  And what have you done up till then?  Chased an illusion.

To find your soulmate you must draw your soulmate to you like great magnets when you begin to love yourself and fill the holes that you leak from so badly. When you can look into a grand mirror and love what you see — because you know your beauty is unseen — then you have filled the holes.  When you can walk through the marketplace and be unsexual, you have filled the holes.  The more you plug them up and the more you are intimate with yourself, the closer you are to drawing this magnificent entity to you.   And while you are loving yourself and becoming greater in your being, your soulmate is being uplifted.  The knowledge is coming to your mate because the two of you are the same soul and you share the wisdom.

Through the process of self-love, you become a christ. And when the christ has arisen within you, it quivers within your soulmate.  It is two in the process of coming back to the immaculate One.”


Ramptha Intensive: Soulmates, Z Knight, P. 40 -43.


Note To Self

“What is my purpose in life?” I asked the void.

“What if I told you that you fulfilled it when you took an extra hour to talk to that kid about his life?” said the voice.

“Or when you paid for that young couple in the restaurant?  Or when you saved that dog in traffic?  Or when you tied your father’s shoes for him?”

“Your problem is that you equate your purpose with goal-based achievement.  The Universe isn’t interested in your achievements … just your heart.  When you choose to act out of kindness, compassion, and love, you are already aligned with your true purpose.

No need to look any further!”

A NewspaperArticle, Lisa McKee FL Admin Assistant – Connecting Consciousness FL Light Crew, St. Augustine, Florida