Prayers From A Course In Miracles – 432HZ Video

“I selected some life changing prayers from A Course in Miracles and set them amongst rain sounds and music at 432 Hz for optimum transformative potential. You can listen whilst you sleep or at any time of day for a reminder of your true self, the divine in you, the great I am, your truest essence.

From ACIM: Do not abandon Love. Remember this; whatever you may think about yourself, whatever you may think about the world, your Father needs you and will call to you until you come to Him in peace at last. In deepest truth, in greatest Love, I hope this serves you.                                                                                                                                                              One blessed Love Sharon xoxo”

Accept Divine Love

“The Divine whispers, ‘You can heal,’ but if you’re focused on a diagnosis that says you cannot, your energy is running contrary to the love the Divine is offering. Without meaning to, you are resisting love. A more loving thought would be, ‘God, I want to heal. Thank you. Let me know what to do and when.’ Then, focus on anything you can enjoy right now. Surrender to love.

The Divine whispers, ‘I can guide you,’ but if you are focused on the fact that you don’t know what to do, you are resisting this love. Far better to tell yourself, ‘When I don’t know how God does.’ Surrender to love.

The Divine wants to help you. You feel a strong desire to rest, but you feel you must research treatments. That is resisting love. You could instead surrender to love, take a nap, and wake up with guided clarity.

While the Divine is sending you signals of hope, inspiration, guidance, and possibility, these other fearful thoughts and focuses, no matter how true in the 3D world, run contrary to the flow that is trying to assist you.

Every time you complain about not having what you want, you are resisting the flow, trying to get you there. Every time you explain the reasons why you can’t have what you want or haven’t had what you want, you are blocking the flow, trying to guide you there. Every time you doubt you will have what you want, you are resisting the love trying to assist you.  All of these things are quite human. There is no judgment about any of them. Nonetheless, they block you from receiving the love and assistance that wants to flow into your reality.

So instead of speaking words of resistance—’I can’t. I don’t. I can’t afford. I don’t know how. It has never happened and probably won’t. I’m not worthy. I’m being tested., and so forth—’ speak words that bestow blessings upon yourself.

When you take the slightest opportunity to be kinder to yourself, you release resistance, open to the flow of love, and allow your life to become just a tiny bit easier, more secure, and delightful.

A Spiritually Evolved Person

“A spiritually evolved person is an empowered person who does not allow others to dominate or control them in the belief that they are being patient and loving when they do this. Never allow a person or group to misuse or dominate you. It is an insult to your divinity. A spiritually empowered person is never afraid to lovingly say; ‘Thank you for your opinion, but I am going to do this…’

Some remain in abusive or even dangerous situations simply because they want to please, reflecting low-resonating attempts to be loved. Others have been taught that it is spiritual to be loving and patient regardless of all negative circumstances. It is not spiritual to allow some person or group to manipulate you physically, emotionally, mentally, or even spiritually. However, it is very important to be very honest with yourself in these types of situations, not interpreting another’s desire for dialog or change as an easy excuse to run away or avoid dealing with something.

It is often the case, and particularly during these times of intense clearing, that the painful situations a person may be dealing with in this lifetime are actually old energies that were experienced and have been carried through many previous lifetimes. When a person feels strong and evolved enough to finally acknowledge and clear intensely painful and low resonating energies they still carry (horrific experiences like torture to death or one or lifetimes of abuse) they will often choose to incarnate into a family or situation that will reactivate this old energy. Because now they are spiritually empowered and emotionally prepared they are able to re-experience the energy in some form, recognize it for what it represents, and fully release it from consciousness.

Always in these types of situations do what needs to be said or done while inwardly knowing the true spiritual nature of all involved. That way you do not create negative energy that will need to be cleared.

Like it or not, enjoy it or not, desire it or not, believe it or not there is a Divine plan unfolding and you are a part of it.”​

Who Are The Ascended Masters?

“Who are the Ascended Masters?  Why they are so majestic?  What are their origins, and their purpose?  Below is a partial list of key Ascended Masters and their direct connections to the Elohim, their incarnations, and missions on Earth:

Maitreya – The Coming Master has not yet incarnated but works with awakened souls.  He represents a blend of Hinduism, Buddhism, and metaphysics.  He will begin incarnating after Master R / Saint Germain completes his current work.

Hilarion – Master of Healing & Technology rarely incarnates.  He inspires scientists, medical experts, and innovators with breakthrough ideas.

Confucius – Master of Mental Purity & Philosophy who focuses on purifying thought and aligning actions with universal laws. He never wrote his teachings—his students recorded them.

El Morya – The Guardian of Divine Will & Power.  His past incarnations: High Priest of Atlantis, A Tibetan Master, Abraham, One of the Three Wise Men, King Arthur, Thomas Becket, Sri Yukteswar (Yogananda’s Guru).   Female incarnations:  Lady Master lotus, Joan of Arc, Elizabeth The First, Edna Ballard (Saint Germain channeler, I AM Discourses)

Jesus (Sananda) – Master of Purification & Christ Consciousness, Jesus is an incarnation of Master Sananda.  Other incarnations:  Enoch, Adam, High Priest of Atlantis, Multiple off-world incarnations, trained in Egypt & India, studied under Mahavatar Babaji, Jesus’ miracles were supported by Saint Germain & Archangel Michael working through him.

Mary Magdalene (Lady Master Magda) – Jesus’ Soulmate, She is an Ascended Master from the same Higher Self as Jesus, They had many children together.

Krishna – Master of Divine Love & Hinduism’s Foundation, One of the key avatars in Hinduism, He plays a major role in the Bhagavad Gita, teaching detachment from ego.                                                                                                  Kuthumi – Master of Compassion & Wisdom, Past incarnations:  Pythagoras, Balthazar (one of the Three Wise Men), St. Francis of Assisi.

Mahavatar Babaji – The Deathless Guru & Master of Masters, The highest-ranking Ascended Master—the “Guru of Gurus,”  Born in 203 AD, but still physically alive, Created Kriya Yoga as a gateway to enlightenment, Taught all other Ascended Masters, including Jesus & Yogananda.  Mahavatar Babaji is ‘Yogi-Christ’ of Modern India.

Elijah (Muhammad, Raphael, John the Baptist) – Past incarnations: Prophet Muhammad, Archangel Raphael, John the Baptist (helped prepare the world for Jesus).

Gautama Buddha      (Thoth, Hermes Trismegistus) – Past incarnations:  Thoth (Atlantis, Egypt) – Ruled Atlantis for 40,000+ years.  Hermes Trismegistus – The author of Hermeticism, Contemporary of Moses, He works off-world with Saint Germain.

Djwhal Khul (Master DK, Tibetan Master) – Left Atlantis with Saint Germain & El Morya before it fell, Connected to the Himalayan Masters.

Paramahansa Yogananda

– Master of Divine Love, Rarely incarnates, prefers to work from the spiritual planes, He was William the Conqueror in a past life.  He worked closely with Saint Germain, He created the most powerful prayer ever recorded: “Prayer at Dawn”.

Saint Germain (Master R) – The Most Prolific Master, Master of Energy, Alchemy & Healing. He created Reiki (originally had 432 healing symbols, now reduced to 4). He left Atlantis before its fall and brought its wisdom to Tibet.  Key past incarnations:  Plato, Moses, Merlin, Francis Bacon (the true author of Shakespeare), Joseph (Jesus’ father), Hercules, Cain, Gilgamesh, Archangel Uriel.
Saint Germain is still active today, guiding the planet’s evolution.


Sauli Koskela

Ascended Masters

Ascended masters are spiritually enlightened beings who are believed to have been human in past livesThey are part of the Great White Brotherhood, which also includes Elohim and Archangels.  In Christianity, many people believe Jesus is an ascended master.

“The Ascended Masters have been here since the beginning of civilization.  Humanity’s modern form originated 18 million years ago. The Ascended Masters are born directly from specific Elohim and play key roles in propelling human and planetary ascension forward. 

Ascended Masters are not part of the normal evolutionary cycle of souls.  They are direct projections from higher-dimensional Elohim (starting from the 7th dimension and above).  The Purpose of the Ascended Masters is they are inserted into reality like wild cards—not bound by evolutionary cycles, but instead acting as:  Catalysts for higher consciousness, Spiritual teachers & system architects, and Guides for civilizations, ensuring evolution continues.

Ascended Masters don’t evolve like normal souls—
they are pre-formed divine beings.  They are not here to learn, but to accelerate humanity’s evolution by raising collective consciousness.  They do not accumulate karma and are not bound by the laws of cause and effect.

Ascended Masters create an energy construct or merkabah to maintain their high frequency while incarnate.

Their merkabah is an energetic spacecraft which is a self-built frequency bubble.  It lets them maintain a higher intuitive functionality even in a low-frequency physical reality.

They serve as spiritual architects, teachers, and guides across civilizations.  They are not bound by karma and operate purely from divine cause.  Many have male & female aspects (e.g., Jesus & Mary Magdalene, Babaji & Mataji).  Saint Germain & Babaji are two of the most powerful Ascended Masters still influencing Earth today.


Sauli Koskela



What Are Light Codes?

Light Codes are a manifestation of higher vibrational energies and information that are anchored into our third-dimensional Earth experience. They are a co-creation between a conduit (you) and high dimensional energies and spirit. Light codes automatically upgrade your abilities.

Light codes are capsules out of time and space reality containing untapped information and potential. Once the light codes are activated, your whole system reboots and taps into a higher octave of light. Those codes are stored in a so-called junk part of the DNA. And they’re there waiting to elevate humankind into a more expanded level of consciousness.

“Higher vibration natural light codes are beamed to you to awaken your dormant DNA and activate and accelerate your ascension. They are felt at your heart and seen and heard as light language, extra-terrestrial codes of consciousness, diamond light, angelic light, and in many other forms. They appear as patterns of energy, sacred geometries, colors, multidimensional light and sound waves, light patterns, and frequencies of information.”