“As the Light of God flows into the person’s life who is asking for assistance, their I AM presence receives that Light and breathes it through the person’s Heart Flame into the physical plane. The Light then flows into everything that conflicts with that Light and pushes it to the surface to be healed and transmuted back into its original perfection. Once that negativity is cleared, then the Light of God will fulfill the highest good of whatever the person is requesting.
The reason things seem to be getting worse is because the Light of God is exponentially increasing on this planet day by day, and it is pushing everything that conflicts with that Light to the surface. That is necessary so that awakening Humanity can heal and transmute our human miscreations, thus, clearing the way for the patterns of perfection that we are all destined to cocreate on The New Earth.
This is the time that was Biblically referred to as,
“The time of screaming and the gnashing of teeth.”
That is because when we look at the outer world we can easily see the horrific negativity being pushed to the surface to be healed and transmuted back into Light. This makes it look like things are getting worse, but what we cannot see is the incredible Light of God that is pushing those things to the surface.
We have agreed to experience the intensity of this purging process through our I AM Presence, because we know that the faster the negativity surfaces, the sooner we will be able to transmute it back into Light. Then the way will be cleared so that we can cocreate the patterns of perfection for the New Earth tangibly in our lives.
Dear One, to begin your healing process ask your I AM Presence to flood Love and Forgiveness into every single thing in your life that is causing pain or suffering of any kind. Then ask for that person, place, condition, or thing to be held in the full embrace of our Father-Mother God’s Infinite Perfection until it is healed and transmuted back into Light.”
THE BIGGER PICTURE: Explanations from the Company of Heaven, Patricia Cota-Robles, pgs. 4 – 5.