“At 2:30 in the morning of June 6, 1998, Whitney Strieber was awakened by somebody knocking on his hotel room door. A man came in, and everything he said was life-altering. Strieber called him ‘The Master of the Key.’ Here is one interesting, mystical excerpt of that night’s encounter …
‘The Master of the Key’ told Whitney that positive and negative forces, pressing against each other, come into balance. For instance, the Sphinx represents a lion’s claws, a bull’s body, and the head of a man. In esoteric tradition, the ‘riddle of the Sphinx’ has asked, ‘What has the strength of the bull, the courage of the lion, and the inte
lligence of the man?’ The answer is known to those who have achieved balance.
Buckminster Fuller, the American philosopher and futurist, called the idea of the triad the fundamental principle of the universe. ‘The Master of the Key’ relates it most notably to his rather astonishing assertion that Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam are actually a single religion.
‘Understand this,’ he said. ‘The teachings of Buddha, Christ, and Muhammad are interlinked. They are one system in three, not three separate religions. This has been hidden from you for a long time.’
‘Christianity is the active side of the triad, Islam the passive, Buddhism the reconciling. Christianity seeks God, Islam surrenders to God, and Buddhism finds God. When you see these as three separate systems, you miss the great teaching of which each contains but a part. Seek the kingdom as a Christian, give yourself to God as a Muslim, and find your new companion in the dynamic silence of Buddhist meditation.‘ ”
The Key, A True Encounter, Whitley Strieber, pgs. 64-65, 212 – 213.