“Oh, you must read this book!” says one seeker to another. And yet, it does not have the same effect on you as it did on them. Why is this?
For each soul is here to experience life from a different angle. In so doing, it sees and experiences and perceives lessons and information differently than others. That is the whole point.
Ultimately, the goal is Self-Realization, to remember that you are all One. At that point, there is no more need for experience and perception. All has been experienced. All have returned to Unconditioned Love.
In the meantime, share your stories, share your books, share your teachers, your teaching, and your learning. Some will resonate, others will not, and that is exactly as it is designed to play out. En-Joy every moment of this adventure called Human Being.
You are so very loved.”
The post Angles appeared first on Suzanne Giesemann.