“A spiritually evolved person is an empowered person who does not allow others to dominate or control them in the belief that they are being patient and loving when they do this. Never allow a person or group to misuse or dominate you. It is an insult to your divinity. A spiritually empowered person is never afraid to lovingly say; ‘Thank you for your opinion, but I am going to do this…’
Some remain in abusive or even dangerous situations simply because they want to please, reflecting low-resonating attempts to be loved. Others have been taught that it is spiritual to be loving and patient regardless of all negative circumstances. It is not spiritual to allow some person or group to manipulate you physically, emotionally, mentally, or even spiritually. However, it is very important to be very honest with yourself in these types of situations, not interpreting another’s desire for dialog or change as an easy excuse to run away or avoid dealing with something.
It is often the case, and particularly during these times of intense clearing, that the painful situations a person may be dealing with in this lifetime are actually old energies that were experienced and have been carried through many previous lifetimes. When a person feels strong and evolved enough to finally acknowledge and clear intensely painful and low resonating energies they still carry (horrific experiences like torture to death or one or lifetimes of abuse) they will often choose to incarnate into a family or situation that will reactivate this old energy. Because now they are spiritually empowered and emotionally prepared they are able to re-experience the energy in some form, recognize it for what it represents, and fully release it from consciousness.
Always in these types of situations do what needs to be said or done while inwardly knowing the true spiritual nature of all involved. That way you do not create negative energy that will need to be cleared.
Like it or not, enjoy it or not, desire it or not, believe it or not there is a Divine plan unfolding and you are a part of it.”