“By working with my intuitions, I have identified the emotional and psychological causes of illness. Unquestionably, a strong link exists between physical and emotional stresses and specific illnesses. This connection has been well documented, for instance, with regard to heart disease and hypertension, and the so-called type A personality.
My particular insights, however, have shown me that emotional and spiritual stresses or dis-eases are the root causes of all physical illnesses. Moreover, certain emotional and spiritual crises correspond quite specifically to problems in certain parts of the body.
For instance, people who come to me with heart disease have had life experiences that led them to block out intimacy or love from their lives. People with low back pain have had persistent financial worries; people with cancer often have unresolved connections with the past, unfinished business and emotional issues; people with blood disorders frequently have deep-seated conflicts with their families of origin.
The more I studied the human energy system, the more I realized that very little is created ‘randomly’ in our bodies or, for that matter, in our lives. The links between our emotional and spiritual stresses and specific illnesses are best understood in the context of the anatomy of the human energy system — the anatomy of our own spirits — which is the nucleus of the material that I now teach throughout the United States and in many other countries, and the focus of this book.”
Anatomy Of The Spirit, Caroline Myss, Ph.D., p. 6.