“The Latin roots of compassion mean ‘to suffer with.’ Yet compassion does not have to entail suffering alongside someone else.
To be in touch with God’s love is the root of compassion. Trying to exercise compassion without this connection will only lead to failure. If I see you in extreme distress, putting my attention on your suffering is the same as participating in it, and the amount of love I can actually direct to you will therefore be diminished.
Compassion, to be full, has to be founded on unconditional love, which is not attached to suffering of any kind.
Compassion, besides being connected to God’s love, sees everyone as connected to it in the same way. Even if you are presently in pain, you are not without love. Since God is compassionate, no one’s experience of pain is a punishment. There is love somewhere inside. By bringing compassion to you, I can reassure you that you are not abandoned; you are just at a difficult crossroads on the journey of love.
At every stage of love, the goal should be kept in mind. Uniting romance, relationship, and ascension is a code of compassion, which goes as follows:
- Be kind to yourself and others.
- Come from love every moment you can.
- Speak of love with others. Remind each other of your spiritual purpose.
- Never give up hope.
- Know that you are loved.”
The Path To Love, Deepak Chopra, pgs. 327-8.