“When we make the decision to become a being of sharing, and practice keeping our thoughts harmonized with Spirit energy on a daily basis, our purpose will not only find us, it will chase after us wherever we go. Since we’ve become aligned with our Creator, we won’t be able to escape it. You see, when we live as much of life as possible in God-realization, nothing can go wrong. What and who we need will surface, and we’ll notice that we can’t escape feeling that something much greater than our individual life is at work within and around us.
Our number one relationship must be to this creative energy of God. When we go to our Source, we activate the energy that reconnects us to our purpose—inspiration then shows up right before our eyes, even when we may have stopped thinking about it. Our purpose manifests in many ways and won’t be limited to a career slot; in fact, it’s often something that requires us to leave a particular kind of employment to pursue something we’d never considered.
We must trust that inspiration is already here—it only eludes us because we’ve disconnected in some way from the Spirit that was and always will be our essence.”