“So let us understand that reality transcends all of our notions about reality. Reality is neither Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Advaita Vedanta, nor Buddhist. It is neither dualistic nor nondualistic, neither spiritual nor nonspiritual.
We should come to know that there is more reality and sacredness in a blade of grass than in all of our thoughts and ideas about reality. When we perceive from an undivided consciousness, we will find the sacred in every expression of life.
We will find it in our teacup, in the fall breeze, in the brushing of our teeth, in each and every moment of living and dying.
Therefore we must leave the entire collection of conditioned thought
behind and let ourselves be led by the inner thread of silence into the unknown, beyond where all paths end, to that place where we go innocently or not at all—not once but continually.
One must be willing to stand alone — in the unknown, with no reference to the known or the past or any of one’s conditioning.
One must stand where no one has stood before in complete nakedness, innocence, and humility. One must stand in that dark light, in that groundless embrace, unwavering and true to the reality beyond all self—not just for a moment, but forever without end.
For then that which is sacred, undivided, and whole is born within consciousness and begins to express itself.”