“There is a much bigger piece of you, let us say — the part that is connected to Oneness, the part that is connected to God, the Divine Mind, that is a much greater part of you. But the ego mind is the part that you have brought down with you into separation, and so the ego mind is, by definition, focused on separation because that is what you have wanted it for.
The ego mind is associated with the physical body. It is designed to keep you safe. It is the consciousness process that you have incorporated into your conscious experience here. You decided to come into separation, into individuality, to follow some of your desires, and you brought this focusing device with you. It is a survival mechanism. Its purpose is to keep you safe in your physical vehicle so that you can experience that which you seek to experience.
As a divine aspect of Creative Mind, you have tremendous power, so when you feed your energy into something, it becomes stronger to such a degree that it is all-powerful and all-creative. For many of you, the ego mind — with its fear of death, its association with the body, and its limited ability to see (remember it is only looking at the present environment, interpreting the present environment) — is what your space-time continuum requires of you.
You need to balance the ego mind with an intense spiritual practice. Why? Because everything that you see and every aspect of yourself represents the idea of separation. If you do not balance this, you will be completely taken over; this is the suicidal person, or the warmonger, or the addict. These are beings whose minds have had the ego run riot without any balance and without any self-understanding or self-discipline. You can suffer from an aggressive, self-centered ego mind with a lowered vibration from inputting violence or pornography into the mind. When you do not balance it with spiritual practice and the greater understanding of what you are, your ego causes you pain. So treat the ego mind with respect, understanding, and discipline.”
Jesus – My Autobiography, Tina Louise Spalding, “A Clarification of Terms,” p. xxi – xxiii.