“It starts with self. Start feeling and loving gratitude for yourself so much that your body could cry because you love yourself so much because you know what you’ve survived through! You know what you’ve overcome! You know how fast you’ve grown! You know how good you are!
And when you have that empowerment of self you will know and honor yourself, you show up for the world. And the world sees you because the world feels you because you’re not shutting down or blocking the world out. You’re completely present for the world and you are here for that. And the world is here for that too!
But many have gotten lost in their own dreams as they think and have focused on other things. Money, status, popularity, materialism. There are many other distractions. But ultimately if you can follow, you go within and feel what you’re truly seeking and searching for, which is to know yourself.
The reason why you wanted to empower yourself is to be in this high energy frequency. to be open to connecting to all at that advanced level with no hang-ups, no fears, no insecurities, no hurt, and no pain but a pure, loving respectful energy!
It’s such a beautiful, beautiful energy frequency awareness and acceptance, that then you can see the Souls within each and every single one of you. That is your dream and that is what does occur. The frequency energy is so pure love. There is nothing else but that!”
Now That You Have Awakened – Conversations With Heaven On Earth, pp. 463.