Everyone longs for peace in the world. They long to see humankind living in peace and harmony where there is no unrest or threats of riots, strikes, and war, and they long to do something to help bring this state about, but don’t know how to do it.
Realise that this state of peace and harmony starts with the individual and there is so much each individual can do to help bring it about.
First of all learn to go quietly about your daily business, silently blessing everyone and pouring out love to them. By doing this you bring peace and harmony all around you.
If you go around feeling annoyed with someone or are resentful and quarrelsome and are a troublemaker, you are helping to bring about war. Stop and consider this a moment and you will realize what a tremendous responsibility you hold in your hands, and how your individual behavior can tip the balance of the world situation. When you can really take this to heart and do something about it, you will be doing your part to bring about peace in the world.