“Rule number one: Don’t believe yourself. But keep your mind open. Keep your heart open. Later to yourself, listen to your story, but don’t believe it because now you know that the story you are writing is fiction. It’s not real. When you hear the voice in your head, don’t take it personally. You know that knowledge is usually lying to you. Listen, and ask if it’s speaking the truth or not. If you don’t believe your own lies, your lies will not survive, and you can make better choices based on truth.
Don’t believe yourself, but learn to listen because sometimes the voice of knowledge can have a brilliant idea, and if you agree with the idea, then take it. It could be a moment of inspiration that leads to a great opportunity in life. Respect your story, and learn to really listen. When you listen to your story, the communication with yourself will improve 100 percent. You will see your story with clarity, and if you don’t like the story, you can change it.
Don’t believe yourself mainly when you are using the voice against yourself. The voice can make you afraid to be alive, to express who you really are. It can stop you from doing what you really want to do with your life. That voice has been in control of your head for so many years, and, no, that voice will not give up just because you want it to leave you alone. But at least you can challenge that voice by not believing what it’s telling you. That’s why I say, ‘Don’t believe yourself.’ ”
The Voice Of Knowledge – A Toltec Wisdom Book, Don Miguel Ruiz, p. 90 – 92.