“In The Lion King, the wise Rafiki said,
‘Forgive others, not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace.’
The truth is that forgiveness isn’t about the other person. It’s all about you. And forgiving someone for an action or behavior that hurt you has various benefits, including:
- Helping you let go of pain and other unresolved emotions.
- Improving your relationships by allowing you to trust again.
- Decreasing stress in your life (which a 2016 study actually proved!).
- Offering a chance for reconciliation (if possible and wanted by both parties).
Chances are that all of the above sounds great.
However, forgiveness can take time. In fact, for many individuals, this is one of the most important pieces.
Thus, it’s essential to practice compassion and kindness with yourself throughout the process. Don’t force it. Remind yourself that you’re doing it for you, not the other person.”