“As your Higher Self, you create with energy before you take physical action. You know you can create whatever you want by working with the higher forces and directing your thoughts, emotions, and intent toward your goals. You create change by working at the highest spiritual level rather than working at the personality level.
You stop before you take action, go within, and receive guidance from your Higher Self about what action to take.
As you grow, you know that anything is possible. You know that through your understanding of how energy works, you can consciously create what seemed like miracles when you had less understanding of the way energy works.
Relax for a moment and take a deep breath. Call light to yourself and surround yourself with light.
Put your hand over your heart and tell yourself you love and accept yourself just as you are. Spend a moment acknowledging how far you have already come.
Affirm your commitment to your higher purpose and world service. Feel the higher community of beings you are a part of sending you love and support.
Merge completely with your Higher Self; you and your Higher Self are now one. Allow the love of your Higher Self to penetrate every cell in your body and show you your divinity.
Ask yourself what one step you could take right now that would contribute the most to your spiritual growth. Then take it!”
Spiritual Growth – Being Your Higher Self, Sanaya Roman, p. 225.