“Jesus told thirty-nine parables, and these are easier to connect with the soul, largely because he delivered the morals himself. The first one is in the fifth book of Matthew:
You are the light for all the world. A town that stands on a hill cannot be hidden. When a lamp is lit, it isn’t put under a bushel basket but on the stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. And you, like the lamp, must shed light among all men, so that when they see the good you do, they may give praise to your Father in heaven. Matthew 5: 14-16.
On the surface, this parable is so simple that it hardly needs to be interpreted. The phrase ‘don’t hide your light under a bushel basket’ means that virtue should be seen so it can have a good effect. But the word light has a deeper meaning spiritually, in the sense of awakened awareness, and therefore this is also a parable about the soul.
Jesus is saying that like a lamp hidden under a basket, the body hides the soul. He tells the disciples not to let this happen but to allow the soul’s awareness to manifest itself. In other words, live from the soul level if you expect other people to believe that you are connected to God, for when they see that you are, they will believe it of themselves as well.”
How To Know God – The Soul’s Journey Into The Mystery Of Mysteries, Deepak Chopra, p. 284-285.