“What spiritual scientists (metaphysicians) can now tell us, is that for thousands of years planet earth has been vibrating in a very low-density field polarizing mostly to the negative side of the spectrum. This mass negative field produced mass negative consciousness and it is what has kept our planet mostly in the dark ages.
Well, unfortunately, by not fully understanding what shapes reality (MIND) we have been contributing to that negative field, by being trapped in a negative mindset with limited belief systems about our reality. Therefore, today, considering the new knowledge, we have begun to understand that as a man or woman thinketh, so shall his or her life be.
In other words, since everything is energy and therefore vibrating, our thoughts, words, and actions are also vibrating, and in understanding this, we can conclude that the vibration of our thoughts, words, and actions are attracting and creating our reality all around us in every given second in time. This is now a fact, proven scientifically through the avenues of quantum mechanics.
The good news is that we have now the collective power to end the old mass negative THOUGHT FORMS; by having enough people focus only on the positive.
We, the people, thus have the power to contribute to the NEW loving positive energy that is materializing A NEW HEAVEN ON EARTH.”
Our Cosmic Origin, Ismael Perez, Introduction.