“Our brain and nervous system cannot tell the difference between a ‘real’ experience, and one which is vividly imagined. Our automatic creative mechanism always acts and reacts appropriately to the environment, circumstance, or situation. The only information concerning the environment, circumstance, or situation available to it is what you believe to be true concerning them.
Thus, if we dwell upon failure, and continually picture failure to ourselves in such vivid detail that it becomes ‘real’ to our nervous system, we will experience the feelings that go with failure.
On the other hand, if we keep our positive goal in mind, picture it to ourselves so vividly as to make it ‘real,’ and think of it in terms of an accomplished fact, we will also experience ‘winning feelings’: self-confidence, courage, and faith that the outcome will be desirable.
We cannot consciously peek into our creative mechanism and see whether it is geared toward success or failure. But we can determine its present ‘set’ by our feelings. When it is set for success we experience that winning feeling!
Psycho-Cybernetics – A Renowned Doctor’s Simple Scientific And Revolutionary Program For Health And Success, Maxwell Maltz, M.D., F.I.C.S., p. 224.