“You are not who you think you are. Since birth, your identity has depended on very limited experience. Over the years you formed likes and dislikes; you learned to accept certain limits. A hoard of objects acquired over time serves to prop up a fragile sense of fulfillment.
None of this is the real you. Yet no one can instantly substitute the real for the false. It takes a process of discovery.
Because it is painful to strip away so many layers of illusion, you have to let the unwinding of the soul take place according to its own rhythm and timing.
Your overall attitude should be that the unknown is awaiting you, an unknown that has nothing to do with the I that you already know.
Some people reach the edge of illusion only at the moment of death, and then with a long look backward, one lifetime seems incredibly short and transient.”
How To Know God – The Soul’s Journey into the Mystery of Mysteries, Deepak Chopra, p. 304-305.