“For if ye would have life, ye must give it! As the laws are in the spiritual, so in the mental. For the mind is the builder. If ye would have love, ye must show thyself lovely. If ye would have friends, ye must show thyself friendly. If ye would have peace and harmony, forget self and make for harmony and peace in thy associations.
So oft is the ego so enrapt in self that it feels it will lose its importance, its place, its freedom. Yet to have freedom in self, give it. To have peace in self, make it — give it!
These are immutable laws!
And as the individual entity practices, works at, does something about such, so come into the experience those things that make the vision broader, the purposes worthwhile, the desires holy.
Then ye begin to sow the seeds of the Spirit in the mental attitudes and activities; which are first, Patience! For “in patience possess ye your souls!” In patience ye become aware that the body is but a temple, is but an outward appearance; that the mind and the soul are rather the furnishing, the fixings thereof, with which ye dwell, with which ye abide constantly!” (1650-1)
Edgar Cayce There Will Your Heart Be Also, William McGarey, M..D. and Gladys McGarey, M.D., p.265-266.