“No matter what others are doing, you are the only one who is responsible for what happens to you. There is nothing in the external event that in the least way determines your feelings and experiences: your life is entirely governed by your vibrations, what they tell you and how you respond.
The slower your vibrations, the more unpleasant your life: you will contend with more conflict, unpleasantness, and pain. Events will happen too fast for control, yet time will seem interminable because you can see no way out.
The more you love, the faster you vibrate, then the less need you feel to control anything, and you are not afraid of change and variety. You experience everything deeper and slower and more lovingly.
When you raise your vibrational level, you can neatly sidestep collisions, both psychic and physical, and quite literally change the world for the better. Love is the strongest magic of all.”
The Lazy Man’s Guide To Enlightenment, Thaddeus Golas, p. 55-57.