“Let’s look at some things to be mindful of and practices that can assist you in creating an atmosphere of allowing shifting into this empowering and light-filled Christ Consciousness vibrational frequency:
*Awareness leads to potential and is everything when it comes to possibility. Know that there is a consciousness, a frequency that transcends the thinking mind. It is already within you, waiting to be realized and directly experienced.
*Communicate your desire to know and understand to Source Energy. If you’re ready for a shift in consciousness, speak it, be decisive in mind, body and spirit to welcome the realization of the Self.
*Let go of when or how. Once you’ve made the request, release wanting it to happen and allow. Practice the art of surrender. This level of awakening is an act of grace, when you are ready the inner teacher will present itself.
*Read books on self-help, spirituality. It could be a paragraph, a sentence even that could potentially spark an awakening. There is great potential in the written word.
*Become acquainted with meditation. Don’t let it be daunting; meditation is simply focus. If you’ve never tried it before, just try a few minutes of being still and silent, in other words, focus on nothing but being there in the moment. You could even just spend a few minutes focusing on the coming and going of your breaths, keep it simple.
*Recognize the now, the present moment as your center of power. The past and future often offer confusion and suffering. The here and now offers potential and clarity because it is the doorway to the Christ frequency.”