“What if, when you take an action, you do so from love, not fear? This shift in energy would make all the difference. So many times, humans act from a sense of needing to defend oneself, not just physically, but emotionally.
Did you know that no other can hurt you emotionally when you realize you all arise from the same Source? If that Source is pure Consciousness, then you realize just how powerful are your thoughts. You can take care of yourself and send out love to all those around you, which radiates a different energy than ‘defend yourself.’
Try it. Be a radiator of love with boundaries of Light instead of walls.
Does it bring more love? Does it add to our unity? May these be the sort of questions you ask before uttering a word, before taking an action.
Should this become your habit in every moment, every day, we dare say you will find your life transformed … your personal life and through the butterfly effect … your world.
You emit ripples constantly. What do you wish to send out? Love dear one. Align with your true nature and change the world.”