“Simply thinking about something (an event, outcome, timeline, situation, person, object, concept etc) does not manifest it.
To focus on NOT thinking about something is extreme restriction of thought.
The way to manifest something is to ‘focus’ on it. So the way NOT to manifest something is NOT to focus on it.
That does not mean don’t think about it. You can think about whatever you please. Focus is cohesive thought and it is different than just ‘thinking’.
Understand thought itself (which is a living consciousness) and you will understand how to manifest and how not to manifest, giving you complete freedom to allow thought in any area you wish. I can think about a person living, dying, dancing, singing, crying, laughing but if these are random thoughts or thoughts of exploration whilst I rationalize and investigate, then my thought does not add to any manifestation of any of these things.
If you restrict thought because you are trying to prevent that thought from manifesting, what you will actually manifest in your life is restriction.”
Magenta and the Nine, magentapixie.com