“Humans are looking for something, something solid, and something rewarding. Something that our consumption-based, monotheistic society cannot fill.
1. You know which values you value, which virtues you possess, and what makes you ethically/spiritually/emotionally/mentally unique. You know what you believe, why, and how.
You are aware of what the influences are on the values you possess at the current moment, and you make efforts to emphasize those of your choosing and de-emphasize that are really just instilled in you because of culture, genes, religious background, early family environment, etc.
2. You are making consistent progress seeking and cultivating within you the values that you consciously choose – preferably values that are not harmful to others – for example, passion and courage versus greed and vengefulness.
3. You are excited by your values. Every day you are proud or enthusiastic of the life you lead, the relationships you are in, the mark you’re leaving on the planet. You are motivated to live life, to become all you can, to make a positive difference, to come to know yourself. Simply put, the Life of Value is a.) good for you and b.) good for something besides you.
4. The world breathes a bit easier because you are here. You make some small, positive difference to those around you.” www.valuesofthewise.com