The Death Experience – James Tyberonn

“So we wish to speak on the death experience.  And Masters, as you read the words of this channeled message you are offered the reception of subtle intuitive catalysts, intuitive activating codes that are part of the frequency of this sharing, frequencies that are meant to assist you in expanding your own intuitive abilities.

Your current patriarchal religions tell you that at death there is either heaven or hell.  We would tell you otherwise.  Dear Ones, there is no fatalistic end, with a final judgement resulting in eternal reward or eternal punishment. In fact there is ‘no end.’  Life is ever expanding.

Death is not a fearful experience to dread.  What you term as ‘Death’ is a rebirth into your greater reality and in many ways is quite an exquisite beautiful awakening.  In truth, birth into the physical realm is far more traumatic than the return to the ‘angelic realm.’  Indeed the passing from physical may be appropriately described as ‘coming home.’ Certain extraordinary expansions of reality are innate to being in a far wider horizon, one that offers much greater sensitivity and understandings.”

James Tyberonn, 2038 The Next Quantum Leap, P. 6-7.

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After thirty years of teaching Inner City, Special Education students and forty-five years of metaphysical studies, I have decided to share my life's philosophical understandings on this wonderful website. For me, everything in my life has been a spiritual experience from being raised in an alcoholic household, to marriage and teaching, and finally caring for an Alzheimer parent. I have sought at least fifteen, personal psychic readings to try and assist me as a wife, teacher and caretaker. I want to share the wisdom that I have gained from following the valuable spiritual guidance from my inner knowing and from heeding the advise of channeled answers from trusted psychics. At almost 70 years old, I am writing, traveling and enjoying retirement in Florida.

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